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Updated: July 31, 2024

Epistola Aviti episcopi Viennensis ad Clodoveum regem Francorum. Mansi, viii. 175. See for this narrative the German Röhrbacher, viii. 486; Civilt

The Octave to the feast dates from the eighth century. It was customary on this date, in the Eastern Church, to read publicly the epistola festalis of the Patriarch of Alexandria arranging the date of Easter and the practice was ordered by the fourth Council of Orleans in 541.

I can read Virgil middlin'; an' Horace's Ars Poetica, the whilk Mr Graham says is no its richt name ava, but jist Epistola ad Pisones; for gien they bude to gie 't anither it sud ha' been Ars Dramatica. But leddies dinna care aboot sic things." "You gentlemen give us no chance. You won't teach us." "Noo, my leddy, dinna begin to mak' ghem o' me, like my lord.

The spirit and tendency of Locke's work appear in the short preface to the English version of the Latin Epistola de Tolerantia, which had already met with a general approbation in France and Holland . "This narrowness of spirit on all sides has undoubtedly been the principal occasion of our miseries and confusions.

Jacobus of Breda, who began printing at Deventer in 1486, produced Virgil's Eclogues, Cicero's De Senectute and De Officiis, Boethius' De consolatione philosophiae and De disciplina scholarium, Aesop, a poem by Baptista Mantuanus, the 'Christian Virgil', Alan of Lille's Parabolae, Alexander, two grammatical treatises by Synthius and the Epistola mythologica of Bartholomew of Cologne.

V, 1455 "Paullatim docuit pedetentim progredienteis." Marcus Aurelius Antoninus: Meditations, IX, 28; VI, 37; XI, 1. Andrew D. White: A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom, Vol. I, p. 97. Roger Bacon: Epistola de Secretis Operibus Artis et Naturae, et de Nullitate Magiae, Caput IV, in Opera Quaedam Hactenus Inedita, edited by J. S. Brewer, p. 533.

It is probable, but not certain, that he belonged to Clonmacnois. Dungal, like the two others named above, was an astronomer. He probably belonged to Bangor, and left his native land early in the ninth century. In 811 he wrote a remarkable work, Dungali Reclusi Epistola de duplici solis eclipsi anno 810 ad Carolum Magnum.

For the conquest of Britain by the English our authorities are scant and imperfect. The only extant British account is the "Epistola" of Gildas, a work written probably about A.D. 560.

His Latin verses might well have been spared. In the translation of Gray's Elegy there is a more than usual crampness; occasioned, perhaps, by his having rendered into hexameters the stanzas of four lines, to which the elegiac measure of the Romans would have been better suited. The Epistola Poetica Familiaris, addressed to his friend Mr. Bamfylde, has more freedom.

They don't know him there as we do, and King James, God save him! is young and honourable and sanguine." "Poor lad," says Harry with a shrug. "You may keep your pity, Mr. Boyce," McBean said stiffly. "I would have him so, by your leave. Now we heard that letters went to St. Germain from Colonel Boyce full of windy promises verbosa et grandis epistola.

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