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Ormonde's evident admiration to dislike De Burgh, having made up her mind that he would prove an empty-headed, insolent grandee, whose pretensions imposed upon her sister-in-law's somewhat slender experience, and whose life was probably given up to physical enjoyment. He had not, however, the aspect of a mere pleasure-seeker.

You will be happier far happier than if you attempt to use her for your own ends, as a contributor to your comfort and an auxiliary to your career. I was afraid I confess it that you had married an aspiring, simpering and empty-headed provincial like that Mrs. George Hutchins' whom I met once, and who would sell her soul to be at my table. Well, you escaped that, and you may thank God for it.

It is as bad for a young girl to permit herself to be educated into one of those bold, unwomanly woman's-rights girls as it is for her to be frivolous and empty-headed. When women get too smart they get unattractive." "But, papa, girls are beginning more and more to go to college, and all women will be suffrage some day." "Not womanly girls, Lilly."

"Suppose they say of you what they say of her, that you are a frivolous, flighty woman?" "Without cause?" "Not without cause. She lives in the midst of a band of empty-headed men, who certainly have no particular regard for a woman's reputation.

The modern young woman was becoming altogether too much for her. She could only repeat foolishly "ran away?" "Yes, ran away. There was no harm done. Sir Luke Preston that's the husband followed them and caught them and made her go back with him. But Donald didn't mean any mischief. She'd quarrelled with Sir Luke she's an empty-headed little fluffy thing.

We ask for bread, not for stones; we want men, not empty-headed dandies. We have both at present; but if the Emperor fails us, we shall have too many dandies and too few men too few men like you, Don Giovanni.

"All that is fine talk, brother; but I never found that the angels attended to any of my affairs, unless I looked after them pretty sharp myself; and as for girls, the dear Lord knows they need a legion apiece to look after them. What with roystering fellows and smooth-tongued gallants, and with silly, empty-headed hussies like that Giulietta, one has much ado to keep the best of them straight.

Walking with officers on the boulevard, where all our young ladies are to be found at this time of day." A look of jealousy darkened his face, as Novikoff asked: "How can a girl so clever and cultivated as she waste her time with such empty-headed fools?"

Only that is no fault of hers; it is her misfortune to have nobody sue for her hand except simpletons. All these sweet-spoken, flattering, aping, thought-snatching, cajoling, empty-headed wooers my aunt calls monkeys, and not men. A man must have the courage to oppose her, defend his own opinion against her and all the world, to gain her respect and her confidence. This you have done.

The calamity had happened in Finland, where they had let her visit her aunt; and the culprit was an insignificant Swede, a student, an empty-headed, worthless creature and married. All this came back to him now as he paced backwards and forwards on the bedroom carpet, recollecting his former love for her, his pride in her.