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"What are the chemicals for and the tank and hose attachment?" "Think, Mr. Gilland." "I can't; I'm almost stunned by what you tell me." He laughed. "The rosium oxide and salts of strontium are to be dumped into the tank together. They'll effervesce, of course." "Of course," I muttered. "And I can throw a rose-colored spray over any object by the hose attachment, can't I?" "Yes."

The crust is really the most nourishing part of the loaf, as well as the part that gives best exercise to the teeth. Making Bread with Soda or Baking-Powders. Another method of giving lightness to bread is by mixing an acid like sour milk and an alkali like soda with the flour, and letting them effervesce and give off carbon dioxid. This is the mixture used in making the famous "soda biscuit."

It was a copy of verses of an unpromising title "To an Insect". But that particular insect, seemingly the creature of a day, proved to be immortal, for it was the katydid, whose voice is perennial: "Thou sayest an undisputed thing In such a solemn way." In the contributions of the young graduate the high spirits of a frolicsome fancy effervesce and sparkle.

After unrolling many yards of woollen cord made from the fur of the opossum, the contents proved to be a quartz-like substance of the size of a pigeon's egg, he allowed me to break it and retain a part. It is transparent like white sugar-candy; they swallow the small crystalline particles which crumble off as a preventative of sickness. It scratches glass, and does not effervesce with acids.

The day before that on which the picnic was to take place a mysterious communication passed between the young Laird of Lunda and Yaspard Adiesen, the effect of which was to set our Viking into a fit of the fidgets combined with a state of exhilaration of spirit that threatened to effervesce in a dangerous manner at any moment.

The solution should not effervesce on addition of nitric or hydrochloric acid. Chlorides. No appreciable precipitate should be produced on addition of silver nitrate solution and nitric acid. Sulphates. No appreciable precipitate should be produced on adding hydrochloric acid and barium chloride.

Last night I tried some citric acid in the water of the Finke, and it caused it to effervesce, showing that the water contained soda." It was afterwards ascertained that the horses were suffering from worms, which may partially account for their failing strength. After leaving the Hugh, on February 25th, they were again annoyed by the natives.

They should all be pulverized very finely. Put the contents of the white paper into a tumbler, not quite half full of cold water, and stir it till dissolved. Then put the mixture from the blue paper into another tumbler with the same quantity of water, and stir that also. When the powders are dissolved in both tumblers, pour the first into the other, and it will effervesce immediately.

Judson, it may be said that he is a quiet, earnest, elderly, close-shaven, clerical looking gentleman has a well-defined, keen solemnity on his countenance, looks rather like a Catholic priest in facial and habilimental cut, is one of the old school of Primitive preachers, is devout but not luminous, good but not erudite, is slow and long- drawn in his utterances, but he can effervesce on a high key at intervals, and can occasionally "draw out" the brethren to a hot pitch of exuberance.

Frederic could desire nothing more affable than Winston's smile; no more abundant encouragement than was afforded by his voluntary pledge. Had not the thought savored of disloyalty to her lover, she would have confessed herself disappointed that his reply did not effervesce with gratitude, that his deportment was distant, his tone constrained. "I appreciate the last-named consideration, Mr.