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Without one, the bile duct takes over as a bladder but its capacity is much smaller so the person's ability to digest fats has been permanently crippled, leading to increased toxemia and earlier aging if fats are not eliminated from the diet. These days the medicos have a new, less invasive procedure to eliminate stones; they are vibrated and broken-up by ultrasonics without major surgery.

By means of two recurved fangs attached to the upper jaw, and connected by a duct with poison-secreting glands, they introduce into their prey a thick, transparent, yellowish fluid, of acid reaction, probably of the nature of an albumose, and known as the venom.

White urine, commonly known as chyluria, is frequently seen, and sometimes results from purulent cystitis. Though containing sediment, the urine looks as if full of milk. A case of this kind was seen in 1895 at the Jefferson Medical College Hospital, Philadelphia, in which the chyluria was due to a communication between the bladder and the thoracic duct.

From this the thoracic duct rapidly narrows until it forms a tiny tube difficult to trace in a small animal. Cut away about two inches of the small intestine from the remainder, having first tied the tube on the two sides of the section removed. Split it open for a part of its length, and wash out its contents. Observe its coats.

To do this the rope should be pulled through the proper duct in the next section without unfastening it from the cable; the winch should be moved to the next manhole, and pulling through then done as before. There should always be a man in every hole through which the cable is running to see that it does not bind anywhere and to keep protectors around the cable.

This nasal duct is likewise excited into strong action by sensitive ideas, as in grief, or joy, and then also by its associations with the lacrymal gland it produces a great flow of tears without any external stimulus; as is more fully explained in Sect. XVI. 8. on Instinct.

"The valves of the thoracic duct are few, some assert they are not more than twelve, and that they do not very accurately perform their office, as they do not close the whole area of the duct, and thence may permit chyle to repass them downwards. In living animals, however, though not always, yet more frequently than in the dead, they prevent the chyle from returning.

Iron, once solid, now a viscous red liquid, was sluggishly flowing in an ever-thickening stream up that intangible crimson duct and into the capacious storage tanks of the Nevian raider; and wherever that flaming beam went there went also ruin, destruction, and death.

By the three full and final libations, the full become full with light."" ""The Brahmana said, 'In this connection is cited the following ancient story. The ear, the skin, the two eyes, the tongue, the nose, the two feet, the two hands, the genital organ, the lower duct, and speech, these, O beautiful one, are the ten sacrificing priests.

On the line of the ancestry of most modern fishes its duct was closed and it became the swim bladder used in flotation and balancing. On another line of descent it was left open, air was swallowed into it, and it developed into the rudimentary lung of the dipnoans and into the more perfect lungs of the amphibians and other air- breathing vertebrates.