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These visits of Bowlaigs to the last two places, both because he don't get no letters at the post office an' don't demand no clothes at the store, I attribootes to motives of morbid cur'osity, that a-way. "The first real trouble that meets up with Bowlaigs who's got to be a y'ar old by now since Jennie fights the dooel with him with that broom, overtakes him at the O.K. Restauraw.

"'As we fronts the bar an' demands nosepaint Yuba gives up his arms; an' full of a jocund lightheartedness as I realises that I ain't marked for instant slaughter I likewise yields up mine. We then has four drinks in happy an' successful alternation, an' next we seeks a table an' subsides into seven-up. ""Then thar ain't goin' to be no dooel between us?" I says to Yuba.

Nacherally the trial bogs down right thar." After another season of silence and smoke, the Old Cattleman struck in again. "Speakn' of killin's, while I'm the last gent to go fosterin' idees of bloodshed, I'm some discouraged jest now by what I've been readin' in that paper about a dooel between some Eytalians, an' it shorely tries me the way them aliens plays hoss.

This bridegroom Injun's tied its mane full of ribbons, an' throws a red blanket across his pony's withers for general effects. Take it all over, he's a nifty-lookin' savage. "So far as the dooel goes, Dave ain't runnin' no resk. He stands thar on the ground an' keeps his hoss between him an' this yere Black Dog. It's a play which forces the bridegroom's hand, too.

We give notice as we depart, that under no circumstances will we return until this goat is extinct. "Followin' the onexpected an' thrillin' finish of Colonel Sterett's dooel with the Red Dog editor, an' from which Colonel Sterett emerges onscathed, an' leavin' Peets with his new patient, we all returns in a body to Wolfville. After refreshments in the Red Light, Enright gives his views.

Peter onbars things a lot an' arranges gate an' seat checks with the other in the realms of light. That's all thar is to it. The tide of life ag'in flows onward to the eternal sea, an' nary ripple. "Oh, this yere Wolfville dooel! `Well, it's this a-way. The day is blazin' hot, an' business layin' prone an' dead jest blistered to death.

The Osages, who for Injuns is some shocked at the Bob-cat's interruption of the dooel it bein' mighty onparliamentary from their standp'ints tries the Bob-cat in their triboonals for killin' Black Cloud an' he's decided on as guilty accordin' to their law.

I'm so puffed up with this yere exploit that a pigeon looks all sunk in an' consumptif beside me. "'Thar's one feacher of this dooel with the little gun boat which displeases me, however. Old Butler's got Noo Orleans at the time, an' among other things he's editin' the papers. I reads in one of 'em a month later about me sinkin' that scow.

The victim, who is most likely a mighty serious an' experienced person, don't copper the play by makin' vain remarks, but brings his gatlin' into play surprisin'. Next it's bang! bang! bang! mixed up with flashes an' white smoke, an' the dooel is over complete. The gent who still adorns our midst takes a drink on the house, while St.

When time hangs heavy, I entertains myse'f with a dooel between Augustus Augustus bein' the horned toad's name , an' a empty sardine box for which he entertains resentments. ""Lay for him, Augustus!" I'd say, at the same instant battin' him in the nose with the box. "'Of course, Augustus ain't got savey enough to realize I does it.