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And then turning my steps across a wide common, which ran with gorse and whortleberry bushes away on every side to distant hilly horizons, swarthy with pines, and dotted here and there with stone granges and white villages, I thought of all the women within that circle, any one of whom might prove the woman I sought, from milkmaids crossing the meadows, their strong shoulders straining with the weight of heavy pails, to fine ladies dying of ennui in their country-houses; pretty farmers' daughters surreptitiously reading novels, and longing for London and "life;" passionate young farmers' wives already weary of their doltish lords; bright-eyed bar-maids buried alive in country inns, and wondering "whatever possessed them" to leave Manchester, for bar-maids seem always to come from Manchester, all longing modestly, said I, to set eyes on a man like me, a man of romance, a man of feeling, a man, if you like, to run away with.

"The master, being wroth with what he termed such slovenly and doltish work, did promise that he would soundly whip me for it and " "Whip THEE!" said Tom, astonished out of his presence of mind. "Why should he whip THEE for faults of mine?" "Ah, your Grace forgetteth again. He always scourgeth me when thou dost fail in thy lessons." "True, true I had forgot.

The common English are doltish; except in the North, where you won't do much with them. Compare them with the Yankees for shrewdness, the Spaniards for sobriety, the French for ingenuity, the Germans for enlightenment, the Italians in the Arts; yes, the Russians for good-humour and obedience where are they? They're only worth something when they're led.

He hurried me off to my room, as he called it, and it was so grand that I crept about it on tiptoe for fear of damaging something. "I declared you'd pine and get thin," he said, "and she vowed you'd get lazy and fat." I felt very doltish and unready as I followed him to the drawing-room.

And she sits and writes her death notices out using language she tries to remember from reading the funeral accounts of rich and powerful people." Clara, her hat awry, her doltish body sagging in the rain shuffled down the dirt road once more. Her outing is over. Cinderella returns to the ashes of life. He shuffles around in front of the Clinton Street employment agency.

Nineteen or twenty years old, homely as a mud fence; ungraceful, doltish, she sits staring out of the window and her eyes blink at the rain. A peasant from southeastern Europe, a field hand who fell into the steerage of a transatlantic liner and fell out again. Now she has a day off and she goes riding into the country on a street car.

Doctor!" said the Colonel at last, with a doltish sneer, "you bear your years well." "Decently well, Colonel; I thank Providence for it," answered the meek apothecary. "I should say," quoth the Colonel, "you are younger at this moment than when we spoke together two or three years ago.

Incessantly abused in words, the child suffered still more from the harsh looks of her cousins. She acquired the doltish ways of a sheep; she dared not do anything of her own impulse, for all she did was misinterpreted, misjudged, and ill-received.

Incessantly abused in words, the child suffered still more from the harsh looks of her cousins. She acquired the doltish ways of a sheep; she dared not do anything of her own impulse, for all she did was misinterpreted, misjudged, and ill-received.

Had the whole transaction been open and acknowledged, Leander would have had scant appetite for the work under this master; but he revolted at the flimsy, contemptible sham; he bitterly resented the innuendoes against the piety of the Sudleys, not that he cared for piety, save in the abstract; he was daunted by the brutal ignorance, the doltish inefficiency of the imposture that had so readily accepted his patently false answers to the simple questions.