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And yet it seems to me that there are remedies for most of our evils in the very composition of the elements if we were not ignorant and stupid enough to discourage our discoverers on the verge of discovery.

His foot-rule won't reach it, and he has no eyes. Imagination! it was the logic of the gods the power to create; and among men it abolishes the impossible. By its force and strength one may strike fire from hidden flints in darkened worlds, and beat new windows in the blind sides of the ages. Columbus imagined another continent, and sailed to it; and so of all great discoverers."

Prodigious was the contrast between the two discoverers: the one, with clasped hands and upturned eyes, seems a figure evoked from some dim legend of mediaeval saintship; the other, with feet firm planted on the hard earth, breathes the self-relying energies of modern practical enterprise.

We become in a sense discoverers, original thinkers, of beauty, taking nothing on authority, but making trial and investigation always for ourselves.

Now the civilization which is described as having once existed in America exhibits these general characteristics, while it has, like each of the others, its own peculiar traits. If the discoverers had made a different report, we might have been led to suppose that some such state of things as we have described had previously existed, but had perished before their arrival. Mr.

They had reacted a district which lies between two great branches of the Napo river, and which bears the name of Canelos, or the "cinnamon country." The name was given to it by the Spanish discoverers of Peru from the fact of their finding trees in this region, the bark of which bears a considerable resemblance to the celebrated spice of the East Indies.

In the course of conversation with them I learnt, that Don Juan Fernandez, who is seventy-two years of age, is the eldest of five brothers, all of whom are married, have numerous offspring, and live in Moguer and its vicinity, in nearly the same condition and rank of life as at the time of the discovery. This agreed with what I had previously heard, respecting the families of the discoverers.

The Spaniards, the first discoverers and appropriators of the island, have described in high terms the state of civilization, methods of agriculture, and remarkably pure morality of these ancient inhabitants, who nevertheless were entirely exterminated by the tyranny and cruelty of their conquerors. The trade-wind and continued fine weather brought us rapidly on our way towards Brazil.

Even the simple 'dilettante' of a science if in the present case we should assign to Aeneas Sylvius so low a rank can diffuse just that sort of general interest in the subject which prepares for new pioneers the indispensable favourable predisposition in the public mind. True discoverers in any science know well what they owe to such meditation. The Natural Sciences in Italy

Oftentimes when discoverers come upon a new land they will seize with a firm grasp of the imagination the most striking feature which it presents to their eyes, and permanently embody this in a word. Geog. It would be instructive to draw together a collection of etymologies which have been woven into verse.