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After not a little hard fighting this was finally done at the point of the bayonet; but the Circassians retired, dividing the honors of the field with the enemy, for they carried off the guns. Dargo was taken, but not Schamyl. What then was to be done?

It has changed. It has changed for the petter, but I know id. You gannot deceive me apout a sdyle. I am Cheorge Dargo. I know my way anywhere. They smoked and sipped their coffee in a splendid contentment 'Vat prings you to Baris? Darco asked lazily. 'I sold a book yesterday, said Paul 'my first I had worked hard; I thought I deserved a little holiday I have got to learn my world.

'He said, first of all, answered poor Aileen, with the tears in her eyes, and trying to take hold of my hand, 'that he had a contract for fencing timber, which he had taken at good prices, which he would share with you and Jim; that he knew you two and himself could finish it in a few weeks, and that he expected to get the contract for the timber for the new bridge at Dargo, which he would let you go shares in too.

'I don't like to take it, sir, until I have earned it. 'Now, said Darco, 'who do you subbose you are? If you want to stob here, you will do as you are dold to do. I am Cheorge Dargo. I do not sbeak to beobles dwice. 'Oh, very well, sir, said Paul, and went on writing from dictation. 'Now,'said Darco, 'you haf got all the attresses at the foot of the ledders.

And I was beastly hungry the day before yesterday. 'I have been there, returned Darco. 'There was an English Duke he is dead now I did a liddle service in Puda Besth. He vanted to bay me. I said "I am Cheorge Dargo. I do not take money excebt in the way of business." Ven I was ruint in the United States I game back to England, and I hat not one benny. I galled on the Duke. He was at bregfasd.

His head-quarters were now fixed at Dargo, a village in the heart of the mountains and in the midst of the primeval forest. But the chief had learned a lesson from his late experience. The Circassians were no match for the Russians behind fortifications. He resolved in the future to fight in a manner better suited to the habits of his followers, and to wear out the foe by a guerilla warfare.

For several years Schamyl made Dargo his head-quarters. Not until 1845 did the Russians succeed in taking it, their army now being ten thousand strong. But it was a village in flames they captured. Schamyl had fired it before leaving, and the Russians were so beset in coming and going that their empty conquest was made at the cost of three thousand of their men.

'Id is a gread vork, he announced solemnly when it was all over. 'Id is peautifully written, and that is your affair, younk Armstronk. But the goncebtion is clorious, ant that is my affair. Vot? Not? I am Cheorge Dargo, and I know my trade.

I am Cheorge Dargo, ant vere I haf not been it is nod vorth vile to co; and vot I do not know apout a theatre it is not vorth vile to learn. Sdob vith me, and I will deach you your business. The company played a week within five miles of Castle Barfield, and Paul snatched an hour for home.

I am Cheorge Dargo, ant ven I zay a thing I mean it' He pointed to a door. 'Through that, he said, 'is a lafadory. You can vash your hands and gome and haf lunge. Paul obeyed, and at the luncheon-table was introduced to Mrs. Darco, a lean brunette, who by way of establishing her own dignity was sulkily disdainful of the newcomer.