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Updated: August 8, 2024

A withered old peon woman, who in dress, complexion, and fibrous hair might have been an animated fragment of the débris, rustled out of a low vaulted passage and welcomed them with a feeble crepitation. Following her into the dim interior, Mrs. Tucker was surprised to find some slight attempt at comfort and even adornment in the two or three habitable apartments.

Again, on other days they would climb up amongst the rocks, when the sun was blazing in the heavens, and find a pleasure in watching the swarms of grasshoppers which at the sound of their footsteps arose with a great crepitation of wings from the beds of thyme.

In making examination of these cases, one can exclude fracture by absence of crepitation and usually, also, swelling is absent in radial paralysis. In a typical case of radial paralysis, the affected leg can sustain its normal share of weight if placed in position, that is, if the carpal joint is extended in such manner that the leg is positioned as in its normal weight-bearing attitude.

He tapped lightly under the collar-bones, and then bent forward with his biaural stethoscope in either ear. "Still a trace of dulness still a slight crepitation," he murmured. "You spoke of a change, doctor." "Yes, certainly a judicious change might be advisable." "You said a dry climate. I wish to do to the letter what you recommend." "You have always been model patients." "We wish to be.

This may be due to the fact that it is necessary to be very near to the aurora in order to hear the crepitation in question, and also to the fact that it is possible that it does not always take place, at least in a manner sufficiently powerful to be heard.

Everywhere on earth that day, in the ears of every one who breathed, there had been the same humming in the air, the same rush of green vapors, the crepitation, the streaming down of shooting stars.

Excepting in some cases of radial fracture of foals where considerable swelling has taken place, there is no difficulty in readily recognizing this condition. The heavy brachial fascia materially contributes to the support of the radius, and in cases where swelling is marked, crepitation may not be readily detected.

Parapets of dry stones, breast high, enclose the russet roadsides, which resound with the crepitation of grasshoppers; and, beyond, the Campagna stretches, vast and bare, as far as the eye can see. A parasol pine, a eucalyptus, some olive or fig trees, white with dust, alone rise up near the road at infrequent intervals.

In the case cited by Hoare the animal evinced great pain and uneasiness; the hock was unduly flexed; the calcaneum was displaced forward; and marked crepitation was present. A portion of the body of the calcaneum was protruding through the perforated skin. The animal was destroyed and the bone was found broken in three pieces.

In fact, a sub-periosteal fracture may exist for several days or a week or more and then, with subsequent fracture of the periosteum, crepitation and abnormal mobility of the member are to be recognized. In such cases, the subject will bear some weight upon the affected member, but this causes much distress.

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