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And, naturally, one is not to expect resolution in cases where there exist erosion and ossification of cartilage where crepitation is discernible. Paralysis of the Hind Leg. Aside from paraplegic conditions due to disease of the cord or the lumbosacral plexus, and monoplegic affections resultant from disturbances of this plexus, paralysis of certain nerves are occasionally encountered. Anatomy.

At any rate, Oleron had only to sit quiet in his chair and to wait for a minute or two in order to become aware of such a change in the auditory scale as comes upon a man who, conceiving the midsummer woods to be motionless and still, all at once finds his ear sharpened to the crepitation of a myriad insects.

We know as false crepitation a vibrating impulse occasioned by normal contact of articular portions of bones such as in the metacarpophalangeal joint when this structure is passively moved, where the subject permits the parts to remain in a state of complete relaxation.

The weather had broken as it seldom does in that part in June. White wreathings drifted up the fields from the sullen sea; the sky was an unbroken gray deadness shedding pin-point moisture that was now and then blown against the panes with a crepitation of despair. The lady looked out on the dim and chilling prospect with a woeful face.

Abnormal fragility due to disease, extreme youth and old age are the internal predisposing factors. The symptoms are crepitation, abnormal movement and deformity of the part. Abnormal movement of the part and inability to support weight occur in fractures of the bones of the limbs.

While in many cases of pelvic fracture lameness or abnormal decumbency are the salient manifestations, yet the pathognomic symptoms are crepitation or palpable evidence which may be obtained by rectal or vaginal examination. In fractures of the angle of the ilium and the ischial tuberosity, perceptible evidence always exists.

Where pain is not so great that relaxation of parts does not occur, one can, by gently moving an extremity in various directions as in flexion, extension and lateral motion as well as by rotation cause to be manifested this peculiar grating, the friction of newly broken bone. This is known as true crepitation.

The diagnosis had been fracture of the neck of the femur, but as there was no crepitation and passive movements caused but little pain, Kuster suspected rupture of the sciatic nerve. The subsequent history of the case confirmed this diagnosis. The patient was confined to bed six weeks, and it was five months afterward before he was able to go about, and then only with a crutch and a stick.

The opposed surfaces of the tendon and its sheath are covered with fibrinous lymph, so that there is friction when they move on one another. The clinical features are pain on movement, tenderness on pressure over the affected tendon, and a sensation of crepitation or friction when the tendon is moved in its sheath.

Crepitation is readily detected, if pain and swelling is not too great to prevent passive movement of the member.