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So the following year, as the fruit was ripening, the hermit spoke every day to those who came to his cell, saying "I pray you, good people, to make it known that he who robs these crab trees, robs not me alone, which is dishonest, but the sick, which is inhuman." And yet once more the crab-apples were taken.

From the pockets of his long linen duster he drew a handful of beautiful scarlet and yellow Siberian crab-apples. "See them crabs?" "Yes, I see 'em." Milton drew a similar handful out of his left pocket. "See those?" "What y' going to do with 'em?" "Take 'em home again." Something in Milton's voice led him to ask soberly: "What did you intend doing with 'em?" "Present 'em to Miss Cole."

"Yes, but they won't be ripe for weeks yet; and, besides, a sour jelly is best for jelly rolls." "Do blackberries make sour jelly?" asked Peace, pausing in her occupation of fitting paper sails to the empty pods Gail had dropped. "Cause the creek road is just lined with bushes." "They are better than crab-apples, but it will be days before they are ripe enough for use.

Well, night was coming on, and we were walking along gaily, whistling, knocking down crab-apples with stones, imitating the notes of birds, when the boy who was ahead suddenly stopped, and, coming back to us, declared that he was not going by the Gazeau Tower path, but would rather cut across the wood. This idea was favoured by two others.

Potatoes, turnips, cabbages, peas, and garden vegetables generally, with the exception of Indian corn tomatoes and melons are raised. Fruits. Crab-apples, red, blue and black whortleberries, Scotch, salal, salmon and strawberries are very abundant. Cranberries were found on the north and east side of Graham Island. A few black currants and gooseberries were also seen.

When the fruit is clear remove it with a skimmer; put in small jars, filling them two-thirds full. Boil the syrup fast for a few minutes longer or until thick and syrupy, fill up the jars; cover with a cloth until the next day; then cover closely and stand away in a cool place. Pare the apples, "Pound Sweets" are best; crab-apples may be pickled the same way, but do not pare.

Systems of government have no sanctity; they are practical means to a simple end the public welfare; worthy of no respect if they fail of its accomplishment. The tree is known by its fruit. Ours is bearing crab-apples. If the body politic is constitutionally diseased, as I verily believe; if the disorder inheres in the system; there is no remedy.

We have also hazel-nuts and plums by the cart-load, and crab-apples in numbers almost beyond the power of figures to express.

Tart are they to the taste, like the crab-apples which abound in the hedges. These fruits are picked by the poor people and made into wine. Crab-apples may be seen on the trees as late as January. Blackberries are found in extraordinary numbers on this limestone soil, and the hedges are full of elder-berries, as well as the little black fruit of the privet.

In the air is the scent of crab-apples and meadowy prairies, for a time, but soon settles down a winter bitter as the learning of the Rev. S. Alcott Wood, D.D., the president. The town and college of Plato disturb the expanse of prairie scarce more than a group of haystacks.