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There is, in short, a general international counterchange. It is altogether in accordance with our actual state of civilization, with its extremely "specialized" manner of industry, that one people should make a phrase, and another should have and enjoy it.

All this is not Japanese, but from such accident is Japanese art inspired, with its good luck of perceptiveness. What symmetry is to form, that is repetition in the art of ornament. Greek art and Gothic alike have series, with repetition or counterchange for their ruling motive. It is hardly necessary to draw the distinction between this motive and that of the Japanese.

Us, above all, by virtue of the custom of counterchange here set forth. Who shall say whether, by operation of the same exchange, the English poets that so persist in France may not reveal something within the English language one would be somewhat loth to think so reserved to the French reader peculiarly? Byron to the multitude, Edgar Poe to the select?

The same truth holds good in lighter matters; Biron and Rosaline in comedy are as simply lovers and no more as were their counterparts and coevals in tragedy: there is more in Benedick and Beatrice than this simple quality of love that clothes itself in the strife of wits; the injury done her cousin, which by the repercussion of its shock and refraction of its effect serves to transfigure with such adorable indignation and ardour of furious love and pity the whole bright light nature of Beatrice, serves likewise by a fresh reflection and counterchange of its consequence to exalt and enlarge the stature of her lover's spirit after a fashion beyond the reach of Shakespeare in his first stage.

For instance, she shifts her position with evident system and notable skill. The whole conversation becomes a dance of change and counterchange of place. Nowhere else does the perfect technical habit lapse, and nowhere at all does the habit of acting exist with her. I have spoken of this actress's nationality and of her womanhood together. They are inseparable.

Let us hear an authoritative writer on the matter: "When the great buzz and stir of rebuilding comes and the interchange and counterchange of ideas begin, the newly awakened folk will begin to enquire what the Church has to say and to suggest on every ethical and religious problem that comes up in the course of planning and discussion.

Speech is a school. Every language is a persuasion, an induced habit, an instrument which receives the note indeed but gives the tone. Every language imposes a quality, teaches a temper, proposes a way, bestows a tradition: this is the tone the voice of the instrument. Every language, by counterchange, returns to the writer's touch or breath his own intention, articulate: this is his note.

The Japanese motives may be defined as uniqueness and position. And these were not known as motives of decoration before the study of Japanese decoration. Repetition and counterchange, of course, have their place in Japanese ornament, as in the diaper patterns for which these people have so singular an invention, but here, too, uniqueness and position are the principal inspiration.

The signora and Ammiani fell to a brisk counterchange of questions relating to the mysterious suspicion which had fallen upon Vittoria. Despite Laura's love for her, she betrayed her invincible feeling that there must be some grounds for special or temporary distrust. 'The lives that hang on it knock at me here, she said, touching under her throat with fingers set like falling arrows.

The signora and Ammiani fell to a brisk counterchange of questions relating to the mysterious suspicion which had fallen upon Vittoria. Despite Laura's love for her, she betrayed her invincible feeling that there must be some grounds for special or temporary distrust. 'The lives that hang on it knock at me here, she said, touching under her throat with fingers set like falling arrows.