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If it had been only the hard words that floored them such as "cotyledon" and "dicotyledon" I should not have been surprised; but they blundered over the ordinary English, and had next to no sense of the meaning of punctuation.

With the larger cotyledon the crying disproportion between the number of eggs and the available provision disappears. Moreover, it is indubitable that the bean is of earlier date than the pea. Its exceptional size and its agreeable flavour would certainly have attracted the attention of man from the remotest periods.

In Wheat and Oats the cotyledon can be easily seen in the largest seedlings by pulling off the dry husk of the grain. The food will he seen to have been used up. Germination of Indian corn. 2. The series of Corn seedlings, at least, should be drawn as before and the parts marked, this time with their technical terms. The following questions should then be prepared. What are the parts of the seed?

"You couldn't have had as good a time as I have had. You're like another boy. A fellow can be just a fellow with you, and somehow you make everything you touch mean something it never meant before. You have made me feel that I would be about twice the man I am if I had spent the time I have wasted in plain jazzing around, hunting Cotyledon or trap-door spiders' nests." "I get you," said Linda.

Linda stood before them, a lithe slender figure, vivid with youth and vitality. "I am able to stand," she said, "so of course I haven't broken any bones. I think I am fairly well battered, but you will please to observe that there isn't a scratch on Cotyledon, and I brought her down at least I think it's she from the edge of that boulder away up there. Isn't she a beauty?

If the leaves are sessile, the analogy with the teasels is complete, as shown, for instance, in a case of Cotyledon, a crassulaceous plant which is known to produce such cups from time to time. They are narrower than those of the teasel, but this depends, as we have seen for the "one-leaved" ascidium, on the shape of the original leaf.

Her cheeks flushed, her eyes brilliant, her lips laughing, Linda was showing Donald thrifty specimens of that Cotyledon known as "old hen and chickens," telling him of the rare Echeveria of the same family, and her plunge down the canyon side while trying to uproot it, exulting that she had brought down the plant without a rift in the exquisite bloom on its leaves.

Vertical section, dividing the embryo, a, caulicle: b, cotyledon; c, plumule. 3. Monocotyledons. These are more difficult. Perhaps it is not worth while to attempt to make the pupils see the embryo in Wheat and Oats. But the embryo of Indian Corn is larger and can be easily examined after long soaking. Removing the seed-covering, we find the greater part of the seed to be albumen.

She was not seriously hurt, but she did not present a picturesque figure as she sprawled in the road, her booted feet thrust straight before her, one of her long black braids caught on a bush at her back, her blouse pulled above her breeches, the contents of her knapsack decorating the canyon side and the road around her; but high in one hand, without break or blemish, she triumphantly held aloft the rare Cotyledon.

But the presence of a second cotyledon in grasses is extremely doubtful, and though there may be ground for reconsidering the position of Nymphaeaceae, their association with the grasses as a distinct class is not warranted by a comparative examination of the members of the two orders.