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Men who entered from the street felt it immediately, and in response to their queries the barkeepers nodded at the back room, and said comprehensively, "Burning Daylight's on the tear." And the men who entered remained, and kept the barkeepers busy.

Simon, at any rate, assures us that no available written material existed for setting comprehensively before the public, in Coleridge's own language, and in an argued form, the philosophical system with which he wished his name to be identified.

Tolstoy's works are Russia's greatest literary contribution to posterity; and yet his literary fame has suffered through his extravagant ideals, the magnificent futility of his inconsistency, and the almost maniacal mysticism of his unrealizable hopes. If Mark Twain makes a more deeply, more comprehensively popular appeal, it is doubtless because he makes use of the universal solvent of humour.

You will let me go to him. Molly did not answer, except that at such moments the eyes speak solemnly and comprehensively. Aimee read their meaning. All she said was, 'He is not oh, my husband my husband! Her arms relaxed, her figure swayed, the child screamed and held out his arms for help. That help was given him by his grandfather, just before Aimee fell senseless on the floor.

In these brief and simple, but comprehensive terms, was the crime of high treason defined. The punishment was still more briefly, simply, and comprehensively stated, for it was instant death in all cases.

She tried to compose herself, that she might be able to present comprehensively to his finite masculine mind the ache of today. "Hugh, it's that black horse." She could not bring herself to pronounce the name Mrs. Rindge had christened him. "What about him?" he said, putting on his waistcoat. "Don't ride him!" she pleaded. "I I'm afraid of him I've been afraid of him ever since that day.

I greatly fear it leaks, for my middle finger is blackened beyond hope of cleansing, and though not ten minutes ago Mr. Brand inked himself very comprehensively filling it for me, already it requires frequent shakings to make it write at all. I thought it would be a blessing, it threatens to become a curse.

Brahmin India affords a fair illustration of the industrial exemption of both these classes. In the communities belonging to the higher barbarian culture there is a considerable differentiation of sub-classes within what may be comprehensively called the leisure class; and there is a corresponding differentiation of employments between these sub-classes.

Lewisham, as became the most promising student of the year, weighed the evidence comprehensively under headings. He dismissed the mediumistic séances as trickery. "Rot and imposture," said Smithers loudly, and with an oblique glance to see if his challenge reached its mark.

Seventh, if so general a tendency and demand may be made clear, there is a philosophical mood, which must be made a part of the ideal and the attitude of the future, if that future is to realize even the practical hopes of the world. This philosophical attitude is first of all a way of living comprehensively and more universally, in the world both of facts and of ideas.