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In 1592 he planned an attack upon the Spanish possessions of Panama, but his plans were frustrated. His only personal expedition to the New World was that to Guana in 1595. The expedition of Captain Amadas and Captain Barlow is described by Captain Smith in his compilation called the "General Historie," and by Mr. Strachey. They set sail April 27, 1584, from the Thames.

But the process of idealising him went on: still incomplete in Malory's compilation, where he is often rather otiose and far from royal. Tennyson, for his purpose, completed the idealisation. As to Guinevere, she was not idealised in the old Welsh rhyme "Guinevere, Giant Ogurvan's daughter, Naughty young, more naughty later."

About the house itself there was nothing particularly to distinguish it from many others in the neighbourhood; but the little statues, and fragments of marble steps, and detached portions of old fashioned wrought iron railing, which had been grouped together, so as to form an ornamental terrace below it, facing the sea, showed that it had been a compilation from the ruins of the houses of the rich French planters, which were now blackening in the sun on the plain of Leogane.

The idea was admirable; but, instead of one of the most delightful volumes that ever appeared, to take up a dull, tame compilation from Bingley's Animal Biography!" "Yes! and the impertinence of dedicating such a work to the Officers of His Majesty's Household troops!

Mill also contributed to the same scientific magazine some short notes on Hampshire botany, and is believed to have helped in the compilation of Mr. G.G. Mill's "Catalogue of the Plants of Great Marlow, Bucks." The mere recording of isolated facts of this kind of course affords no scope for any style in composition.

When, in Jan. 1641-2, Hartlib sent to the press his new compilation of the views of Comenius under the title of A Reformation of Schools, there was good reason for it. Comenius himself was at his elbow. The great man had come to London. Education, and especially University Education, was one of the subjects that Parliament was anxious to take up.

Even during his meals, and while travelling in his carriage upon business, he prosecuted with unremitting zeal and diligence his taste for enquiry and compilation. No man ever displayed so strong a persuasion of the value of time, or availed himself so industriously of it. He considered every moment as lost which was not employed in literary pursuits.

He has also sent me every detail he can get together, either from documents or recollection, bearing upon our family history." He produced a formidable roll of manuscript. The old gentleman had evidently devoted many hours and some literary skill to the compilation. "I will read that in the train," said Brett. "You must start at once for Portsmouth.

True, we cannot trace the genealogy of the present version beyond middle of the sixteenth century, but its references to ancient monuments existing at date of its compilation show it to be many centuries older. Its language proves little or nothing, for, being a popular work, it would be modernised to date by each successive scribe. Colgan was of opinion it was a composition of the eighth century.

The History of the Earth and Animated Nature, in eight volumes, closed the labours of Goldsmith. This compilation, however recommended by the agreeableness of style usual to its author, is but little prized for its accuracy. In a summary of past events, which are often differently related by writers of authority and credit nearly equal, it is in vain to look for certainty.