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Updated: August 3, 2024

Neals' company, which was ordered to rendezvous at Charlotte, whilst there, waiting for the assemblage of more troops, he was appointed Captain by Col. Hampton and Lieut. Col. Hambright, Capt. Neal being superseded in his command on account of intemperance. From Charlotte the assembled forces march by way of Camden to Charleston, under the command of Cols.

See, e.g., Gudea, Inscription F, cols. iii, iv. See pp. 397, 398. See Peters' Nippur, ll. 131, and Hilprecht, Cuneiform Texts, ix. pl. xiii. Amer. Oriental Soc. See, e.g., Layard, Monuments of Nineveh, 1st series, pls. 7, 23; Place, Nineve et l'Assyrie, pl. 46, etc. Soc. Bibl.

We think that the spirit of the Act of 1903 must be observed in the case of pending agreements, but it must not be departed from in the case of future agreements." Hansard, 1909, vol. vii. No. 93, cols. 1542, 1543. Mr. Bonar Law confirms this pledge.

Rich and poor from two parishes chatted, laughed and worked hard with sickles at cutting the vraic scié from the low rocks. Very soon, the beach was dotted with heaps of sea-weed, each marked by a pebble, bearing the owner's name in chalk. The more adventurous waded across the cols or causeways to rocks at some distance from the shore and found rich stores of golden weed.

At length he received a fatal shot in the breast, which closed his earthly career forever. Captain De Peyster then look command, and immediately ordered a white flag to be raised in token of surrender. The firing however did not entirely cease until Cols. Shelby and Sevier went inside the lines and ordered the men to desist.

Years ago, during the Crimean campaign, I spent some time at West Point in the society of Cols. Robert Lee, Walker, Hardee, then in the service of the United States, and now traitors; not one of them classed Scott much higher above what would be called a respectable capacity; and of which, as they said, there are many, many in every European army.

As a matter of precaution, it was considered necessary to disperse this force, and it was soon ascertained, not only that the island was accessible, but that the enemy, relying upon the protection of his armed galleys, was unapprehensive of attack. The attempt was entrusted to Cols. Lee and Laurens, who, with separate parties, were to reach the point of destination by different routes.

They are also used in the sense of any permanent provision for a temple through an endowment. Lit., 'the steady' sacrifice. See the technical employment, Dan. viii. 11. VR. 61, col. iv. l. 48-col v. l. 6; see also Ashurbanabal, Rassam Cylinder, col. iv. l. 90. Belit here used for Ashur's consort; see p. 226. See p. 652. Inscription B, cols. vii-viii.

There are several other works of Bourrit on the Glaciers and Mountains of Savoy: the latest and most complete is the following: 364. Descriptions des Cols ou Passages des Alpes. Geneva, 1803. 2 vols. 8vo. Voyage dans les Alpes, précédé d'un Essai sur l'Histoire Naturelle des Environs de Geneva. Par Saussure. Geneva, 1787 1796. 8 vols. 8vo.

The alluvium on the cols or watersheds, before alluded to, is such as would have been formed if the waters of the rivers had been made to flow east, or out of the upper ends of the supposed glacier-lakes, instead of escaping at the lower ends, in a westerly direction, where the great blockages of ice are assumed to have occurred. In addition to these arguments of Mr.

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