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"And you are afraid to meet the man you have challenged upon the terms he proposes. That is all plain and simple enough. The world will understand it all." "But what is to be done?" "You must fight, apologize, or be posted; there is no alternative. To be posted won't do; the laugh would be too strongly against you." "It will be as bad, and even worse, to fight as he proposes." "True. What then?"

It was all right with Joe. Kossuth clicked his heels again. "Our selection, unfortunately, is limited to two weapons. Since you are the challenged, Captain Rákóczi insists you take first choice." Joe shrugged and took up first one, then the other. It had been some time since he had held one of the famous frontier weapons in his hands.

She had asked me to go from her, and again in the night-time and with tears she had asked me to go. "At last it was the sense of her that roused me from my mood. I turned upon her suddenly and challenged her to race down the mountain slopes.

It was slight and confused, but the natives are so quiet in their movements, that the doctor did not doubt that a considerable body of men were surrounding the place, and that he was about to be attacked. Presently one of the sentries over the gateway perceived something approaching. He challenged, and immediately afterwards fired.

Evidently they, too, had been so much surprised by the unprecedented action of the stranger that they had not even challenged; but that they had no thought to let the thing go unnoticed was quickly evidenced by the skirring of motors upon the landing-stage and the quick shooting airward of a long-lined patrol boat. Thuvia watched it dart swiftly eastward. So, too, did other eyes watch.

I had expected to see two of the men with whom we had dined. To my astonishment, the visitors proved to be officers of the General's regiment. They brought proposals for a hostile meeting the next morning; the choice of weapons being left to Romayne as the challenged man.

The abuse of psychology, rampant for two hundred years, seemed at last to be detected and challenged; and the impressionistic rhetoric that philosophy was saturated with began to be squeezed out by clear questions, and by a disconcerting demand for literal sincerity.

You see, I presented the flowers to the board meeting. Was it for self-sacrifice?" Her eyes challenged his. "You are capable of talking more nonsense and being more impertinent than any nurse I have ever known. May I pass?" His eyes returned her challenge, blazing.

Both the god and the clod schools erred, in Martin's estimation, and erred through too great singleness of sight and purpose. There was a compromise that approximated the truth, though it flattered not the school of god, while it challenged the brute-savageness of the school of clod.

As Norton entered, the man, who rose, threw a cigarette into the fire place, then reached over, selected another cigarette and lighted it. The room was thick with the odor of some foreign tobacco. "Well, Norton?" challenged this stranger, in a low voice. "I've been aboard the new submarine, Monsieur Lemaire," replied the young man.