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Eadem quoque manus solet vsque hodie suae verae poenitentiae tale manifestere miraculum vt dum partes quaelibet litigantes velint vtraeque suas causas iuramento confirmare, conscriptis hinc inde causis ponantur ambae cartulae in Apostili manu.

This was called judicium delegatum in causis Trenkiansis; and when at last they came to a conclusion, the sentence was such as I shall ever shudder at and abhor.

No wonder Luis Vives complained in his De Causis Corruptarum Artium, The moderns confound the arts by reason of their resemblance, and of two that are very much opposed to each other make a single art. They call rhetoric grammar, and grammar rhetoric, because both treat of language. The poet they call orator, and the orator poet, because both put eloquence and harmony into their discourses.

"Ergo nunc Britannia inclyta vellere est. Caret tamen ut dixi, serpentibus, tribus ex causis: nam pauci possunt generari ob frigus immensum." De Subtilitate, p. 298. Æneas Sylvius in describing his visit to Britain a century earlier says that rooks had been recently introduced, and that the trees on which they roosted and built belonged to the King's Exchequer.

Non sic causa intelligi debet, ut quod cuique antecedat, id ei causa sit; sed quod cuique EFFICIENTER antecedat. Causis enim efficientibus quamque rem cognitis, posse denique sciri quid futurum esset."

He makes use besides of Aristotelian notions, and is influenced by the Neo-Platonic treatise, known as the "Liber de Causis," and derived from a work of Proclus. It is for this reason difficult to characterize his standpoint, but we shall not go far wrong if we call him a Neo-Platonist, for reasons which will appear in the sequel.

But Morgagni's De sedibus et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis was the largest, most accurate, and best-illustrated collection of cases that had ever been brought together, and marks an epoch in medical science.

Since the revival of learning, surgery, medical diagnosis, and anatomy have gone hand in hand. Morgagni called his great work, "De sedibus et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis," and not only showed the way to search out the localities and the causes of disease by anatomy, but himself travelled wonderfully far upon the road.

It is recorded by Herodotus and is represented by a frequent symbol on the Assyrian monuments. Pliny, Naturalis historia, xiii. 4. The special meaning here given to the word is explained in another work of Theophrastus, De causis plantarum, ii. 9, xv. Historia plantarum, ii. 8, iv. Herodotus i. 193.

Et dicitur de eo in partibus illis quod si hic qui portat sit continens, et sobrius reddit illum magnanimum et audacem, et iuuat in causis iustis certantem, conseruat substantias corporales, aufert praua somnia, depellit prauorum spirituum illusiones, sortilegia, et incantationes, ac valet contra lunaticam passionem, vt daemonis obsessionem, et venenosum quod illi appropinquauerit exsudat, et exhumescit.