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To Bloomfield's credit be it said that, whatever his own suspicions may have been, he had been as reluctant as Riddell himself, as long as any doubt existed, to name Wyndham publicly as the culprit for whom all Willoughby was on the lookout.

After some casual remark about the weather, she observed 'I am sorry, Miss Grey, you should think it necessary to interfere with Master Bloomfield's amusements; he was very much distressed about your destroying the birds. 'When Master Bloomfield's amusements consist in injuring sentient creatures, I answered, 'I think it my duty to interfere.

Bloomfield's brother; a tall, self-sufficient fellow, with dark hair and sallow complexion like his sister, a nose that seemed to disdain the earth, and little grey eyes, frequently half-closed, with a mixture of real stupidity and affected contempt of all surrounding objects.

Even Bloomfield's taking his part he's gammoned him somehow." "Well, that doesn't prevent your going and hooting him, does it?" said Gilks, with a sneer. "You've a right to enjoy yourself as well as any one else." "What! have you come round to worship his holiness too?" asked Wibberly, who had at least expected some sympathy from Gilks.

So she threw her arms round nurse's neck, and kissed her cheek; and nurse put on Clara's tippet and her new bonnet, and walked with Charles and her to Dame Bloomfield's cottage.

Again and again it was overtaken, and a shot was taken whenever the dense jungle afforded an opportunity. At length, maddened by pursuit and wounds, it turned to charge, thereby exposing itself in an open place, and both bullets crashed into its brain, the shot from Colonel Bloomfield's rifle passing completely through its head.

This was the first she had heard of Mrs Bloomfield's illness, and it was news that Margaret was in the habit of visiting her. But her chief object at this moment was to get rid of Arthur. 'Won't you come back at five o'clock? she said. 'But, look here, why shouldn't we lunch together, you and I? 'I'm very sorry, but I'm expecting somebody in. 'Oh, all right. Then I'll come back at five.

He's just the fellow for it, and the fellows all look up to him." "But Bloomfield's low down in the sixth," said Coates. "What's that to do with it? Felton was a muff at rowing, but he was made captain of the boats all the same while he was cock of the school." At this point another monitor entered. "Ah, Tipper," said Ashley, "what do you think Coates here is saying?

And before the cries have left their lips the procession has passed, and the second lap has begun. Towards the end of the second lap Ashley shows signs of flagging, and Bloomfield is quickening his pace. "Huzza!" yells Parson; "Bloomfield's going to take it up now. Jolly well-planned cut-out, eh, Telson?" "Rather!" shrieks Telson. "Here they come! Whiskers is ahead.

"Why didn't you come when you were sent for?" demanded Game. "Who sent for me?" "Bloomfield." "I'm not Bloomfield's fag," retorted Telson. "I'm Riddell's." "What did I tell you this afternoon?" said Game, beginning to suspect that he had fallen into a trap. "Told me to go to the captain after chapel." "And what do you mean by not going?" "I did go I went to Riddell."