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She was awful nice." The speaker blinked, for his eyes were smarting. "I feel, somehow, as if she was here to-night as if this girl was her and I was her daddy. She might have looked something like this young lady if she had lived. She would have made a big difference in me." Tom felt a hand seek his. It was a bony, big-knuckled hand not at all like 'Poleon Doret's.

It was so that Dill found him when he came looking. When he reached out and laid a big-knuckled hand gently on his arm, Billy shivered and stared at him in a queer, dazed fashion for a minute. "Why hello, Dilly!" he said then, and his voice was hoarse and broken. "Where the dickens did you come from?" Without a word Dill, still holding him by the arm, led him unresisting away.

"I'd ruther take a lickin' than to say it, but I reckon you'll have to come along with me, Bertie," he began soberly, laying a big-knuckled hand on my shoulder. "It all came out in the meetin' to-day, and the d'rectors 're sayin' that you hadn't ort to be allowed to run loose any longer." The high desk stool was where I could grab at it, and it saved me from tumbling over backward. "Go with you?"

Tessie's big-knuckled, capable fingers made you dizzy, they flew so fast. Chuck was outfitted as for a polar expedition. Tess took half a day off to bid him good-by. They marched down Grand Avenue, that first lot of them, in their everyday suits and hats, with their shiny yellow suitcases and their pasteboard boxes in their hands, sheepish, red-faced, awkward.

"It's it's good for a fellow to have sisters, and a home," he said in a low tone not audible to his stepmother's ears. Mrs. Marshall put out a large, strong hand and took his slack, big-knuckled fingers into a tight clasp. Mrs. Marshall-Smith evidently thought a light tone best now, as always, to take. "I tell you, Barbara" she suggested laughingly, "we'll exchange.