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It now changed its tactics, and began to descend the river tail foremost, slowly, but steadily. The round face of the fisher, which had all this time been blazing red with eager hope, was now beclouded with a shade of anxiety. "Don't let him go down the rapids, father," said George; "you'll never get past the thick bushes that overhang the bank."

"Finally, the action of the alcohol still extending, the superior brain centres are overpowered; the senses are beclouded, the voluntary muscular prostration is perfected, sensibility is lost, and the body lies a mere log, dead by all but one-fourth, on which alone its life hangs. The heart still remains true to its duty, and while it just lives it feeds the breathing power.

They it was who really ruled both the arena and the arcana of politics. It was they, sometimes openly, but more usually covertly, who influenced and manipulated the entire sphere of government. It was they who raised the issues which divided the people into contesting camps and which often beclouded and bemuddled the popular mind.

First, his friend was walking rapidly, so rapidly that he himself almost had to trot to keep up with him; second, he was muttering to himself, a most unusual thing for Von Barwig to do; third, every now and then a look of intense hatred beclouded his face; and last, he was not talking over the events of the morning with his friend.

History, literature, the sciences, and the languages are rich in material that can be used in testing for intelligence, and we need not resort to petty chit-chat in preparing for examinations. =The way of reform.= We must take this broader view of the whole subject of examinations before we can hope to emerge from our beclouded and restricted conceptions of education.

But no man's character could be fragrant, so she thought, if it ripened amid the rich aroma of tobacco; and good old Virginia leaf was to her the poison-ivy of mankind. That life was indeed beclouded which found shelter in the genial clouds of the aforesaid leaf. But with all this heroic hostility to our little weaknesses, there dwelt a sweet strain of innocence in which we had come to glory.

He departed with a mysterious allusion to some secret of his for taking Fort Sumter, some disagreeably odorous chemical preparation, I guessed, by the scientific terms in which he beclouded himself, something which he expected would soon be called for by the Governor. May he never smell anything worse, even in the other world, than his own compounds!

The sorrow is not so much that it shall perish as that it could not live that it is not in its nature a real, that is, an eternal thing. His children are shadows their life a dance, a sickness, a corruption. The very element of unselfishness, which, however feeble and beclouded it may be, yet exists in all love, in giving life its only dignity adds to its sorrow.

As for Doris, she was in a state of excitement more connected with the past than with the future. That afternoon she had laid her hand in that of Orlando Brotherson, and wished him well. She! in whose breast still lingered reminiscences of those old doubts which had beclouded his image for her at their first meeting. She had not been able to avoid it.

Palma's return vividly recalled all that beclouded her future, and she began to dread the morrow that would subject her to his merciless bright eyes, feeling that his presence was dangerous. Perhaps by careful manoeuvring she might screen herself in the sick-room for several days, and thus avoid the chance of an interview, which must result in an inquiry concerning her answer to Mr.