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Mary readily gave the permission, and thus it happened that when Wyatt's rebellion first broke out, as described in the last chapter, Elizabeth was living in retirement and seclusion at Ashridge, an estate of hers at some distance west of London.

The Lord of Hereford gave an asylum for young Richard. "Those were peaceful, quiet days we passed at Sempringham; and they were the last Isabel was to know. Meanwhile, the Friars Predicants, and in especial the men of Edingdon and Ashridge, were spreading themselves throughout the land, working well to bring back the King.

But she was not asked many questions; for as they turned away from the convent gate, they were met by a monk in the Dominican habit, and Philippa knew directly the face of Guy of Ashridge. "Christ save you, Father," said she. "And you, daughter," he answered. "Are you yet seeking comfort, or have you found it?" "I am further from it than ever," she replied, rather petulantly.

"Ay," replied the eremitess; "the soul is the life." "Know you Guy of Ashridge?" asked Philippa. The Grey Lady bowed her head. "I have confessed to him, and he hath dealt hardly with me. He saith I will not be saved; and I wish to be saved. He tells me to come to Christ, and I know not how to come, and he saith he cannot make me understand how.

Behind these, he said, came the officers of State immediately before the Queen's carriage, and after her the guards of her person. "But this will be but a tame affair," he said. "I wish you could have seen a Progress, with the arches and the speeches and the declamations, and the heathen gods and goddesses that reign round our Eliza, when she will go to Ashridge or Havering. I have heard it said "

"Condignity implies merit, and of course claims reward on the score of justice. Congruity pretends only to a sort of imperfect qualification for the gifts and reception of God's grace." Manet's Church History, iv. 81. "She hears old footsteps wandering slow Through the lone chambers of her heart." Lowell. When Guy of Ashridge was fairly gone, Philippa felt at once relieved and vexed to lose him.

They sent, therefore, three gentlemen as commissioners, with a troop of horse to attend them, to bring her to London. They carried the queen's litter with them, to bring the princess upon it in case she should be found unable to travel in any other way. This party arrived at Ashridge at ten o'clock at night.

In 1257 the Friars of the Penance of Jesus Christ, popularly styled Friars of the Sack, from their coarse sackcloth garb, settled down in London, exempted by papal dispensation from the fate of suppression; and even later than this King Richard's son, Edmund of Cornwall, established a community of Bonhommes at Ashridge in Buckinghamshire.