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And suddenly he recognized something oddly familiar in an approaching bend of the Seine. "St.-Germain-en-Laye!" he exclaimed with a start of alarm. This was the danger point.... "And over there," he reminded himself "to the left that wide field with a queer white thing in the middle that looks like a winged grub that must be De Morbiban's aerodrome and his Valkyr monoplane!

He believed most passionately that the war had been started with the sole object of affording his enemies opportunities for annoying him. Then one day he was sent on a job to an aerodrome workshop. He was a clever mechanic and he had mastered the intricacies of the engine which he was to repair, in less than a day.

The din was tremendous, and all sleep was out of the question. Morning revealed surprisingly little damage, as is often the case in these big raids, whereas a few bombs from a chance machine often work havoc. I was down at 50 B.C. aerodrome this morning, and heard that as soon as the moon suits we are going to make Dunkirk sit up as retaliation for last night's efforts.

In many cases side-slips have taken place at aerodromes when the pilot has been rounding a pylon with the nose of his machine pointing upwards. When a machine flies round a corner very quickly the pilot tilts it to one side. Such action as this is known as BANKING. This operation can be witnessed at any aerodrome when speed handicaps are taking place.

They thought of him when they were successful, referred to him as a model, found an incentive in his memory, that was all. Their grief over his loss was virile and invigorating. After watching his friend's body through the night, the hero of d'Annunzio goes to the aërodrome where the next trials for altitude are to take place. He cannot think of robbing the dead man of his victory.

This last query was instantly replied to from below by the private sign denoting that the parties below were of such and such squad or escadrille quartered at Aerodrome No. . Buck drew a long breath, then he flashed forth his own number and began to descend.

The flight-commander, his machine aimed dead at the leading German, follows the enemy trio down, down, as they apparently seek to escape by going ever lower. He is almost near enough for some shooting, when the Huns dive steeply, with the evident intention of landing on a near-by aerodrome. One of them fires a light as he goes, and enter the villain Archibald to loud music. A ter-rap!

Our machine was broken; but we could get no transport and had to walk thirty kilometres back to our base without food. "Another time we were chasing an Austrian, the Serbian batteries fired at us, monsieur, not at the enemy. Our officers had to send from the aerodrome to tell them to stop." As we were going to bed the Montenegrin doctor came in. "I am sent by the governor, monsieur," said he.

The silks manufactured here are of a fine quality and well known throughout the country. After passing the big aerodrome near the town, the going became very bad; we struggled along through the village of Deltawa, in and out of unfathomable ditches. The rivers were in flood, and we ran into lakes and swamps that we cautiously skirted.

I dressed to the thunderous accompaniment of the guns, warmed myself with a cup of hot cocoa, donned flying kit, and hurried to the aerodrome. There we gathered around C., the patrol leader, who gave us final instructions about the method of attack. We tested our guns and climbed into the machines. By now the east had turned to a light grey with pink smudges from the forefinger of sunrise.