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Updated: August 20, 2024

Scores of men and two women were on their feet calling for the passage of a resolution denouncing the Administration's policy of persecution. The motion of condemnation was put. It seemed as if the entire audience seconded it. It went through instantly, unanimously, and again with prolonged shouts and applause. The meeting continued and I shall never forget that audience.

A true union man regards with veneration the constitution and hesitates to tamper with it except in a perfectly constitutional manner. The opposition to the administration's original resolution had gained what they sought, a temporary stay. The committee was appointed and the danger to both the resolution and the constitution for the present averted. Again Mr. McNish took command. "And noo, Mr.

Thus, before there was an official food administration there was an unofficial beginning of what became the food administration's most characteristic and most widely known undertaking, its campaign for food conservation. It was the most characteristic, for it depended for success entirely on popular consent and patriotic response.

She cannot yield them without conceding her own impotency as a nation and making virtual surrender of her independent position among the nations of the world." The leaders in Congress were so impressed by this uncompromising declaration of the President that they set about allaying the revolt against the Administration's policy, which, it was feared, was drawing the United States into war.

However, as long as this suspension must remain in effect, it will be important for the next Administration and the Congress to take whatever actions are necessary to ensure that the burden does not fall unfairly on our Nation's farmers. This has been a key feature of my Administration's policy, and it should be maintained.

Weldon reported to his employers, at Willard's Hotel, and they laughed heartily at the illustration, but they did not proceed with the cotton speck, understanding what would be the Administration's policy as well as if a proclamation were issued. After the disarray of the first Bull Run battle, the President drove out to the camps to rally the "boys in the blues."

The various factions in both Houses, which were hostile to the Administration's policy before war was declared, dropped all partisanship in their eagerness to support measures for prosecuting the war now that the die had been cast. The War Revenue Bill was less easily disposed of.

The overwhelming sentiment in their favor rapidly diminished if it ever really existed under the searchlight of careful canvassing by the Administration's supporters, until it began to be manifest that, far from Congress ranging itself against the President, the latter would carry the day. Then came a reversal of tactics by the congressional factions opposed to the President.

A nation whose every citizen has good reason for bold hope; where effort is rewarded and prosperity is shared; where freedom expands and peace is secure that is what I mean by a stronger America. Toward this objective a real momentum has been developed during this Administration's first year in office. We mean to continue that momentum and to increase it.

A nation whose every citizen has good reason for bold hope; where effort is rewarded and prosperity is shared; where freedom expands and peace is secure that is what I mean by a stronger America. Toward this objective a real momentum has been developed during this Administration's first year in office. We mean to continue that momentum and to increase it.

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