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One alone Basha Abito urged that they should be preserved, lest a terrible vengeance should be exacted by their countrymen. Immediately the king had arrived at this decision, he ordered one of his officers to escort Mr Rassam and all the prisoners at once to the English camp, believing, no doubt, that by so doing acceptable terms would be secured for him.

He could tell you even down to how the folds of the women's dresses should fall just as though he were actually looking at living people. After a week or two when we had learned some of the simpler phrases Ruth and I used to practise them as much as possible every day. We felt quite proud when we could ask one another for "quel libro" or "quell' abito" or "il cotello" or "il cucchiaio."

Wider, il quale e un galant' uomo come lei melo scrisse, ed jeri abbiamo finito il carnavale da lui, cenardo da lui e poi ballammo ed andammo colle perle in compagnie nel ridotto nuovo, che mi piacque assai. Quando sto dal Sign. Wider e guardando fuori della finestra vedo la casa dove lei abito quando lei fu in Venezia. Il nuovo non so niente. Venezia mi piace assai.

"Alter Amazoniam pharetram, plenamque sagittis Threiciis, lato quam circumplectitur auro Balteus, et tereti subnectit fibula gemma." "Tertius Argolico hoc clypeo contentus abito."

"Or, to put it differently," Peter resumed, "I've come all the way from London with nothing better than a dinner jacket in my kit." "Dina giacca? Cosa e?" questioned Marietta. "No matter what it is the important thing is what it is n't. It is n't a dress-coat." "Non e un abito nero," said Marietta, seeing that he expected her to say something. "Well ? You perceive my difficulty.