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Clarendon, vol. ii p. 293. Charles, despoiled in England of a considerable part of his authority, and dreading still further encroachments upon him, arrived in Scotland, with an intention of abdicating almost entirely the small share of power which there remained to him, and of giving full satisfaction, if possible, to his restless subjects in that kingdom.

Some days later M. D'Iberville's canoe fleet, returning down the river, found and took from the shore the two men, whom they had given up for dead, and with them, by her own request, the abdicating queen, who left behind her a crowd of weeping and howling squaws and warriors.

"Or stately enough," added Pauline Hayes. "Or self-possessed enough," supplemented Lizzie Harrowgate. "Or imperious enough," said Clarissa Parks. "She would always be abdicating in favor of some one who had an equal right to it," laughed Pauline Hayes. "Oh, Miss West, who was that lovely little creature with you in Sunday school Sunday?" asked Miss Denyse.

In the same way was treated A Defence of the Scots abdicating Darien, including an Answer to the Defence of the Scots Settlement there, and A Vindication of the same pamphlet, both by Walter Herries, who was ordered to be apprehended.

Shortly after twelve Father Murray was admitted to the Ministry, where Ruth greeted him affectionately. "How do you like being a Grand Duchess, Ruth?" She made a little moue. "I don't like it at all. I'm abdicating to-day." He laughed, and they chatted together for some time, being finally joined by His Excellency's daughters, who stayed with them until luncheon was served.

Yet the abdicating Emperor had summoned his faithful estates around him, and stood up before them in his imperial robes for the last time, to tell them of the affectionate regard which he had always borne them, and to mingle his tears with theirs.

The wondering children obeyed some with glad promptness, others with sadness, for they had already come to like their teacher very much. As he sat by the door and watched them file out, it was as if he were a king abdicating a throne, and these his faithful subjects. It was the most momentous hour of his life. He had set his face toward dark waters. Mrs.

Caulaincourt had already hinted to Napoleon that in case of his abdicating personally there was a possibility of inducing the Allies to agree to a Council of Regency. Napoleon then determined to sign the act of abdication, which he himself drew up in the following terms:

After this he feigned himself sick, and, calling his nobles about him, induced them, partly by persuasion, partly by force, to consent to his abdicating the kingdom, and reinstating his brother on the throne. The agreement being ratified, Elidure took the crown from his own head, and put it on his brother's head.

It was the same usurpation in his eyes, but not being able to obey his scruples, he contented himself by doing all he could in abdicating. It was still this feeling which, at the death of his son, troubled him so much, when he saw himself compelled to reascend the throne; though, during his abdication, that son had caused him not a little vexation.