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Her mission was to convey breadfruit to the West Indian islands, the planters having represented to George III. that the introduction of the plant would be very beneficial as an article of food. The ship was fitted up in a manner peculiar, but adapted to the service she was upon. She was 90 feet long, her greatest beam 24 feet, and her greatest depth of hold about 10 feet.

The nebular illumination as seen in photographs, taken from August to November, seemed to spread out slowly in a gradually increasing circle at the rate of 90" in forty-eight days. Kapteyn put this down to the velocity of light, the original outburst sending its illumination to the nebulous gas and illuminating a spherical shell whose radius increased at the velocity of light.

By J.F. CORKRAN, Esq. 12mo, Muslin, 90 cents; Paper, 75 cents. %The Recent Progress of Astronomy,% especially in the United States. By ELIAS LOOMIS, M.A. 12mo, Muslin, $1 00. %The English Language% In its Elements and Forms. With a History of its Origin and Development, and a full Grammar. By W.C. FOWLER, M.A. 8vo, Muslin, $1 50; Sheep, $1 75.

The movement had been active in Southern California, where federations, parliaments and societies of many kinds flourished, and the Woman Suffrage League had held monthly meetings. Besides Mrs. Severance, another pioneer suffragist had come there from the East many years ago, Mrs. Rebecca Spring, now past 90 and still alert and interested. Mrs. Clara Shortridge Foltz, Mrs.

He was a man of middle age, short, intelligent, fat, and weary. He said to me: "Have you noticed any special mark upon the trees? A white mark of the number 90?" "No," said I. "Are there any wild boars in this forest?" "Yes," he answered, "a few, but not of use. I am looking for trees marked in white with the number 90. I have paid a price for them, and I cannot find them."

Hook and Mr. W. Palmer of Worcester had answered it substantially in the same sense as Mr. Newman in No. 90. W.G. Ward, The Ideal of a Christian Church, p. 478. The Ideal, etc., p. 479. It is curious, and characteristic of the unhistorical quality of Mr.

The aviation companies have increased regular air transportation until it now totals 90,000 miles per day one-fourth of which is flown by night. Mail and express services now connect our principal cities, and extensive services for passenger transportation have been inaugurated, and others of importance are imminent.

This change is still more strikingly represented by a rose-tree, which is now presented in its natural hues a red flower and green leaves; turning the prism 90 degrees round, we obtain a green flower and red leaves. All these wonderful chromatic effects have definite mechanical causes in the motions of the ether. The principle of interference duly applied and interpreted explains them all.

Those items in this 90 per cent that we do not export are influenced by the same forces, because in normal times we import them on any considerable variation in price and the wholesaler naturally buys in the cheapest market. Even milk is to a considerable degree controlled by butter imports in normal times. When we import butter it releases more milk in competition.

Wondering, because more than 90 per cent of U-boat sinkings are of ships of less than 12 knots' speed; which means that these rusty old junk heaps, wheezing along at maybe 9 or 10, but more likely at 7 or 8 knots, furnish most of the sinkings. They surely must be having great old times getting by the U-boats, and their captains and crews must surely have a view-point of their own!