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Updated: August 23, 2024

It is a good fact that 1218 bushels of wheat were produced by the application of nitrogen to an acre of land during a period of sixty years, over and above the produce of another acre which differed only by not receiving nitrogen; whereas the total produce from an acre of unfertilized land was only 756 bushels during the same sixty years.

Miss Birdseye's visitors, those of Doctor Prance, and of other tenants for Number 756 was the common residence of several persons, among whom there prevailed much vagueness of boundary used to leave things to be called for; many of them went about with satchels and reticules, for which they were always looking for places of deposit.

In B.C. 756, one of the feudal Dukes saw a vision of a yellow serpent which descended from heaven and laid its head on the slope of a mountain. The Duke spoke of this to his astrologer, who said, "It is a manifestation of God; sacrifice to it." In B.C. 747, another Duke found on a mountain a being in the semblance of a stone.

Of five-twenties of 1862 10,300.00 Of five-twenties of 1864 7,050.00 Of five-twenties of 1865 9,600.00 Of ten-forties of 1864 133,550.00 Of consols of 1865 40,800.00 Of consols of 1867 235,700.00 Of consols of 1868 154,650.00 Of Oregon War debt 5,450.00 Of refunding certificates 109,150.00 Of old demand, compound-interest and other notes 13,300.00 Total 134,178,756.96

Its net gold holdings on November 1, 1898, were $239,885,162 as compared with $153,573,147 on November 1, 1897, and an increase of net cash of $207,756,100, November 1, 1897, to $300,238,275, November 1, 1898.

In A.D. 756 the Pope became a temporal sovereign. Yet the power of Papal usurpation did not reach the summit until the reign of the impious Hildebrand, who succeeded to the Popedom in A.D. 1073, under the title of Gregory VII. But according to the symbols before us, we must look for a period not so much when the Popes were enabled to definitely enforce their arrogant claims, as when the ministry became corrupted and when the inhabitants of the city, or the devotees of the visible church, became a profane multitude entirely estranged from the covenant of promise.

These sales had realized £720,756, of which £373,899 4s. 4d. had been paid, and £346,856 15s. 8d. remained still due. Counting the interest on the sum paid, a million of pounds represented the value of the lands already sold, and when they were all disposed of there would be realized more than two millions of pounds.

The uninterrupted hereditary succession for ten generations, and the long average duration of the reign of each monarch, from the arrival in Spain of Abdurrahman I. in 756, to the death or disappearance of Hisham II. in 1009, are without a parallel it any other Moslem dynasty, with the single exception of the Ottoman line; and though, on pursuing the comparison, the Umeyyan princes cannot vie with the last-named race in extent of conquest and splendour of martial achievement, they far surpass not only the Ottomans, but almost every sovereign family in the annals of Islam, in the cultivation of kingly virtues and arts of peace, and the refinement and love of literature, which they introduced and fostered in their dominions.

Total number of disasters, 185 Total number of lives imperiled, 2583 Total number of lives saved, 2564 Total number of lives lost, 19 Total number of shipwrecked persons sheltered at the stations, 368 Total number of days' shelter afforded, 1307 Total value of property imperiled, $6,293,658 Total value of property saved, 4,514,756 Total value of property lost, 1,742,902

The largest of these pyramids, towering above other pyramids, and the lesser sepulchres of the rich, was built upon a square of 756 feet, and the height of it was 489 feet 9 inches, covering an area of 571,536 feet, or more than thirteen acres. The whole mass contained 90,000,000 cubic feet of masonry, weighing 6,316,000 tons.

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