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Updated: August 20, 2024

He admitted having served notices on his people to quit their houses in truth he did not now care whether they were or were not located on the property he was willing to pay fair, nay, high wages, but the demand was exorbitant. He had a servant, a trustworthy white man, who laboured from day-dawn to sunset for 2s. 1d. per day, and he was quite satisfied.

And by and by comes musick to play to me, extraordinary good as ever I heard at London almost any where: 5s. No carts, it standing generally on vaults, only dog-carts. It will be a fine ship. Spoke with the foreman, and did give the boys that kept the cabin 2s.

I am told that the cost of haulage for an ordinary passenger train, carrying from five hundred to a thousand persons, is 2s. 7d. per mile; a railway company could take six hundred passengers seventy miles there, and bring them seventy miles back, at a cost of #18 1s. 8d.

For my own part, I expected further great help from God, and I have not been confounded. "Aug. 17, 1883. Our balance was reduced this afternoon to £10 2s. 7d. Think of this, dear reader! Day by day about 2,100 persons are to be provided for in the Orphan Institution, and £10 2s. 7d. was all that was in hand to do this.

Rose, and paying the reckoning, 12s. 6d.; servants and poor, 2s. 6d.; musick, the worst we have had, coming to our chamber-door, but calling us by wrong names, we lay; so set out with one coach in company, and through Maydenhead, which I never saw before, to Colebrooke by noon; the way mighty good; and there dined, and fitted ourselves a little to go through London, anon.

Bound in cloth, full gilt back, sides, and edges, 3s. 6d. "There is a charm about this book to which the old and young, the educated and the simple, bear cheerful witness." Longfellow's Complete Poetical Works, Including his Translations, "The Spanish Student," and his new poem, "The Sea-side and Fire-side." Royal 24mo., beautifully printed, cloth extra, gilt edges, 2s.

So things being put in order at the Office, I home to do the like there; and so to bed. At Barnet, for milk, 6d. On the highway, to menders of the highway, 6d. Dinner at Stevenage, 5s. 6d. Spent at Huntingdon with Bowles, and Appleyard, and Shepley, 2s. My father, for money lent, and horse-hire L1 11s.

One of the old members of the Queen's Park, and associated with men whose names I have already mentioned in its early struggles, he knew, if I may be allowed to use a simile which is likely to force a smile, what football poverty was, for is it not a fact that he was a member of the Q.P. Finance Committee when the annual subscription was sixpence, the yearly income £3 9s. 8d., and as the expenditure amounted up to £4 2s. 4d., the deficit of 12s. 8d. had to be made up by a levy?

Remembering that money was then worth ten to twelve times what it is today, this was probably considered too great a burden by the parishioners of Dengie. A petition must have been presented to be allowed to procure a cheaper surplice, for on the 6th October following the wardens were permitted to prepare a surplice containing six ells only at the reduced price of 2s. 8d. per ell.

The number of all the children who were under our care merely in the schools which were entirely supported by this Institution, from March 5, 1834, to May 26, 1854, was 5,817 in the day schools, 2,748 in the Sunday schools, and 2,315 persons in the adult school. During this year was expended on the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, of the funds of the Institution, £433, 2s. 9d.

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