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Updated: August 6, 2024

Queen Elizabeth's economy was remarkable; and in some instances seemed to border on avarice. * Birch's Negot. p. 21. Strype, vol. iv. p.. 351. * Strype, vol. iv. p. 215. There is a curious letter of the queen's written to a bishop of Ely, and preserved in the register of that see.

Of the 15,000 acres which it comprised in 1852, 800 were in cane, 300 in corn, 150 in crops belonging to the slaves, and most of the rest in swampy forest from which two or three thousand cords of wood were cut each year as fuel for the sugar mill and the boiling house. The slaves that year numbered 215 of all ages, half of them field hands, and the mules 64.

On March 21, 1903, the California Historic Landmarks League placed a bronze tablet on the face of the building at 215 Sacramento street that had formerly been the headquarters of the Vigilance Committee of 1856, inscribed as follows: "Fort Gunnybags was situated on this spot, headquarters of the Vigilance Committee in the year 1856."

He then referred to the work already in progress on Mount Wilson, but anticipated "that atmospheric disturbance will ultimately set the limit to what can be accomplished." Measures with the interferometer show its angular diameter to be 0.047 of a second of arc, corresponding to a linear diameter of 215,000,000 miles, if the best available determination of its distance can be relied upon.

"That Roman, that Judean bond United then dispart no more Pierce through the veil; the rind beyond Lies hid the legend's deeper lore. Therein the mystery lies expressed Of power transferred, yet ever one; Of Rome the Salem of the West Of Sion, built o'er Babylon." A. de Vere, Legends and Records, p. 204. Gregorovius, i. 208. Gregorovius, i. 215. Sidonius Apollinaris, Epist., i. 9.

India now has 215 cotton mills, which employ a capital of $70,000,000, and last year's jute product of Bengal alone was valued at $70,000,000. The Indian Empire is ponderous and complex from any point of view. Possessing but half the area of the United States, it represents one seventh of the British Empire, and more than seven times the combined population of Great Britain and Ireland.

The real fact, however, was that his authority in England never rested on a more precarious footing than at the present moment; while, on the other hand, the cares and anxieties of government, joined to his apprehensions of personal violence, and the pressure of domestic affliction, were Thurloe, vii. 169, 176, 215.

As to water, the gas motor takes 215 cubic feet per horse power effective. A condensing steam engine uses five times as much. The lubricating oil used at Rouen was a mixture of Russian oil at 430 fr. per ton, and Ferry and Heduit F.H. oil at 900 fr.; the average was 650 fr. per ton, or 2.8d. per pound. Wanner grease, at 6.4d. per pound, was used for the moving parts.

The emigration of 1847 more than doubled that of 1846, being 215,444; ti fell in 1848 to 178,159, but in 1849 the emigration of 1847 was repeated, the emigrants of that year being 214,425, of which 2,219 were orphan girls from the Workhouses.

At the corners are octagonal turrets, with open lights above the level of the central portion, and plain parapets. The turrets are detached from the centre, except at the top and bottom. The latest calculations give the height of these turrets as 215 feet. This would be nearly the same as the central tower at Durham.

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