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"Teeters. I got five dollars." Mrs. Toomey found it convenient to go into the pantry until she had regained control of her feelings. It was twenty-eight degrees below zero when the doors of the Opera House were opened to permit the citizens of Prouty to hear the World Renowned Swiss Bell Ringers and Yodlers.

The yodling chorus was a marvel of flute-like modulations. The girls were really pretty, and were not made up in the least. Their "turn" had a great success. Mrs. Sieppe was entranced. Instantly she remembered her girlhood and her native Swiss village. "Ach, dot is heavunly; joost like der old country. Mein gran'mutter used to be one of der mos' famous yodlers.

"Owgooste, will you sit down?" She caught him up all at once, and jammed him down into his place. "Be quiet, den; loog; listun at der yunge girls." Three young women and a young man who played a zither occupied the stage. They were dressed in Tyrolese costume; they were yodlers, and sang in German about "mountain tops" and "bold hunters" and the like.

A dish, in this benighted republic, for stevedores and yodlers, a coarse fee for violoncellists, barbers and reporters for the Staats-Zeitung but the delight, at the Pschorrbräu, of diplomats, the literati and doctors of philosophy.

You could almost see her country from the top of the Podhornberg, in the direction of the Franconian Mountains, not far from Bayreuth. The place was called Schnabelwaid, and it was very high, very windy. Since her tenth year she had been singing yes, even in the chorus at the Vienna opera, with her sister and brother. They were no common yodlers. They could sing all the music of the day.

The car was crowded; McTeague and Owgooste were obliged to stand. The little boy fretted to be taken in his mother's lap, but Mrs. Sieppe emphatically refused. On their way home they discussed the performance. "I I like best der yodlers." "Ah, the soloist was the best the lady who sang those sad songs." "Wasn't wasn't that magic lantern wonderful, where the figures moved? Wonderful ah, wonderful!

When I was leedle, I haf seen dem joost like dat." "Ma-ah," began Owgooste fretfully, as soon as the yodlers had departed. He could not keep still an instant; he twisted from side to side, swinging his legs with incredible swiftness. "Ma-ah, I want to go ho-ome." "Pehave!" exclaimed his mother, shaking him by the arm; "loog, der leedle girl is watchun you.