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"I abstain, however, at present from drawing any positive conclusions, preferring rather to await the result of more extended observations." Dr. Wallich, Professor Wyville Thomson, and Dr. Carpenter concluded that the Globigerinoe live at the bottom. Dr.

The temperature of deep waters seems to be constant for all latitudes at 39°; so that an immense area of the North Atlantic must have had its conditions unaffected by tertiary or post-tertiary oscillations." Wyville Thomson adopted from eminent physical writers; but the general justice of the reasoning is not affected by this circumstance, and Dr.

Wyville Thomson, and the other deep- sea disciples of the mythic Glaucus, the fisherman, who, enamoured of the wonders of the sea, plunged into the blue abyss once and for all, and became himself "the blue old man of the sea."

"C'est le pauvre Harry Wyville," answered Janey. "Il est sous-lieutenant dans les Berkshires

The recent work of the Challenger fully confirms Major Owen's statement. In the paper recently published in the proceedings of the Royal Society, from which a quotation has already been made, Professor Wyville Thomson says: "I had formed and expressed a very strong opinion on the matter.

Professor Wyville Thomson, describing the modern soundings in 1869 off the north coast of Scotland, speaks of the ooze or chalk mud brought from a depth of about 3000 feet, and states that at one haul they obtained forty specimens of vitreous sponges buried in the mud.

The dispatch of this expedition is the culmination of a series of such enterprises, gradually increasing in magnitude and importance, which the Admiralty, greatly to its credit, has carried out for some years past; and the history of which is given by Dr. Wyville Thomson in the beautifully illustrated volume entitled "The Depths of the Sea," published since his departure.

In order to justify this assertion, and yet, at the same time, not to claim more for Professor Wyville Thomson and his colleagues than is their due, I must give a brief history of the observations which have preceded their exploration of this recondite field of research, and endeavour to make clear what was the state of knowledge in December, 1872, and what new facts have been added by the scientific staff of the Challenger.

Wyville has a large bill against me for clothes, Grafton another for boots, and Cox another for hats. I am trying to pay these off trying to become a gentleman." "Then you don't consider yourself a gentleman now?" said one. "Oh, no.

Its depth has never been certainly ascertained; but from the numberless experiments and attempts that have been made, we are warranted in coming to the conclusion that it nowhere exceeds five miles in depth, probably does not quite equal that. Professor Wyville Thompson estimates the average depth of the sea at about two miles.