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"Vewve Clikot's universal an' suv'rin remedy," said David, reading the label and bringing the corners of his eye and mouth almost together in a wink to John, "fer toothache, earache, burns, scalds, warts, dispepsy, fallin' o' the hair, windgall, ringbone, spavin, disapp'inted affections, an' pips in hens," and out came the cork with a "wop," at which both the ladies, even Mrs.

As he passed through the door somebody leapt from a cab carrying something in his hands, and jostled against him. He turned round apologetically, and confronted the Earl of Windgall. His lordship looked like a man detected in a theft, and shook hands with a confused tremor. "Can you spare me half an hour?" he asked. Then he handed the package to the shop-man. "Take care of that," he stammered.

"I will submit your proposal to my daughter," he said after a time, "but I am powerless altogether powerless." Kimberley went home in a tremor of nervous anxiety, and Windgall sent for his daughter. "I want you to understand, my dear," he began nervously, "that you are free to act just as you will. Mr. Kimberley gave these into my hands this morning" showing her the papers.

From the existence of the Deity to the effect of a blister on a windgall, through the whole range of stable-thought and horse-talk, there was no subject, speaking generally, on which that mongrel population agreed, except, of course, on one thing the universal desirability of whiskey. On this one subject they all agreed, always.

Begg, Batter, and Bagg, was sitting in his office a day or two later when a clerk ushered in the Earl of Windgall. "What's this news about Gallowbay, Begg? Is it true?" asked the earl. "It is certainly true," answered Begg. "What sort of fellow is this Kimberley?" "Well, he seems to be a shy little man, gauche, and and underbred, even for his late position." "That's a pity.

He saw with amazement that it bore the Windgall crest. It was a hastily written note from the earl stating that circumstances had occurred which enabled him to withdraw his opposition to the union of Clare with Lady Ella. Kimberley recovered. He can speak now to Clare's wife without embarrassment and without pain. Has he forgotten his love? No.