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Rupert longed to see Willowby and Dry Bench once more, so it was decided that after they had visited the Temple of God and had been sealed to each other for time and all eternity, they would take a trip to Rupert's old home. They were married in the Temple. Within its sacred walls they experienced more fully than ever before what still sweetness there is in the ministrations of the Spirit of God.

Under a flaring gas-lamp, Cheveril stood still. "Do you mind telling me your name?" he said abruptly. That roused the boy slightly. "My name is Willowby," he answered "James Willowby." He looked at Cheveril with a dawning wonder, and the latter uttered a short, grim laugh. The light streamed full upon his face. "You know me well, don't you," he said, "by sight?"

Young Willowby gave a great start and turned crimson. He offered neither apology nor excuse. "I like you for that," Cheveril said, after a moment. "Can you bring yourself to shake hands?" There was unmistakable friendliness in his tone, and Willowby responded to it promptly. He was a sportsman at heart, however he might rail at circumstance.

Her letters to him were even briefer, and she never guessed how Cheveril cherished those scanty favours. So through all that summer they kept up the farce. In the autumn Evelyn went to pay a round of visits at various country-houses, and it was while staying from home that a letter from Jim Willowby reached her. He wrote in apparently excellent spirits.

Mame Parmlee, that ain't b'en able to see me fur three years, left off sweepin' her porch an' come down an' shook my hand, an' cried about it; an' that stylish Mis' Willowby, that's president o' the Civil Club, followed me all over the Square and asked dare she read a copy o' the letter an' tell about Nat to the schoolhouse next Wednesday.

Strange that such should be the case, but truth is ofttimes strange. Since the railroad had been extended through the valley, the town of Willowby had grown wonderfully.

Everything looks the same hereabouts. I seem to have been absent but a few days. How strange it is! Signe, there you see Willowby, on that rise; quite a town yet. How's Dry Bench, James?" "Much the same, Rupe. No improvements since you left." "And the reservoir?" "As you left it, though it needs repairing badly."

It would be a sacrifice on his part, but Virginia would be wise enough to see its advisability. Yes, they would counsel together, and Virginia's love would be the power to hold him up. After all, the world was not so dark with such a girl as Virginia Wilton waiting to become his wife. The day after her return to Willowby, Rupert called on her. Mrs.

Its long, straight streets enclosing the rectangular squares, had not crept, but had sped swiftly out into the country on all sides, and especially towards the mountains, until now the Ames place was within the corporated city limits. Willowby soon became a shipping point for grain and fruits to the markets which the mining towns to the north afforded.

They reached Willowby late in September. He had written Nina when he would be there, and she and her husband were at the station to meet them. There were tears in their eyes at the meeting. "Nina, this is my wife," said Rupert. "Signe, my sister, Mrs. Furns." A number of Rupert's old friends were there who now came forward and welcomed him home.