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Fogg and his partners had resumed their game; no one not even the dummy complained of the length of the trip. Fix had begun by winning several guineas, which he seemed likely to lose; but he showed himself a not less eager whist-player than Mr. Fogg. During the morning, chance distinctly favoured that gentleman. Trumps and honours were showered upon his hands.

The liberty she allowed herself in speech and action must have been trying to her defenders in a land like ours; for here, and able to throw its shadow on our giddy upper-circle, the rigour of the game of life, relaxed though it may sometimes appear, would satisfy the staidest whist-player.

Vigo, and who also, having a villa at hand, was looked upon as a country neighbour. Mrs. Gamme was universally recognised to be a fine woman, and she dressed up to her reputation. She was a famous whist-player at high points, and dealt the cards with hands covered with diamond rings.

I'm an old whist-player, and when I play dummy, there's nothing I hate more than to see two or three small trumps in my partner's hand. 'I imagine you'll not be distressed in that way here. 'I've got enough to come through with; that is, the thing can be done if there be no extravagances. 'Does one want for more? cried Walpole theatrically. 'I don't know that.

He said once to a brother whist-player, whose hand was more clever than clean, and who had enough in him to afford the joke, "M., if dirt were trumps, what hands you would hold!" John Forsters Contribution to the New Monthly Magazine, 1835. Charles Lamb's first appearance in literature was by the side of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

You can play a game of whist with only enough skill to keep your partner's hands from your throat, or you can play it for all there is in it. Now I am not a whist-player. Ask those who have played with me, and see the well-bred murder in their eyes as they remember their wrongs.

He has treasured up many remarkable sayings of the late king, particularly one which the king made to him on a field-day, complimenting him on the excellence of his horse. He extols the whole royal family, but especially the present king, whom he pronounces the most perfect gentleman and best whist-player in Europe.

The newspaper parrografs showed that, however secret WE wished to keep the play transaction, the public knew it now full well. Blewitt, as I found after, was the author of the libels which appeared right and left: "GAMBLING IN HIGH LIFE the HONORABLE Mr. D c ce again! This celebrated whist-player has turned his accomplishments to some profit.

"Of course Monsieur Hâas will live as we do in the country. We have excellent rabbit-warrens. The rivers abound in trout. The shooting in the forests is let out. People mostly spend their evenings at the inn. Monsieur the inspector of woods and forests is a delightful young man. The juge-de-paìx is a capital whist-player," and so on, and so on.

He wants a point given him, like an indifferent whist-player. He is so used to teaching, that he wants to be teaching you.