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The largest of these rivers is called by the Spanish inhabitants the river Reyes, and falls into the lake near its northern end; it is a well-timbered stream, and flows through a country of great fertility and beauty. The tributaries of the San Joaquin are all on the east side.

No man in all the Kingdom was so much cut off from living contact with the popular will as was he! The King was in his study, the room in which most of the routine work of his daily life was accomplished a large square chamber with three windows to one side looking out across a well-timbered park toward a distant group of towers.

How Patroklos fought in the armour of Achilles, and drove the Trojans from the ships, but was slain at last by Hector. So they were warring round the well-timbered ship, but Patroklos drew near Achilles, shepherd of the host, and he shed warm tears, even as a fountain of dark water that down a steep cliff pours its cloudy stream.

"Can we stop at another post-office?" he added, bringing out his fountain-pen again. He took out a second telegraph form and wrote: "Macmacmacmacmac, London. Shall not be back till Friday. The car dashed on again, and an hour later arrived it a commodious mansion standing in its own well-timbered grounds of upwards of several acres. At the front-door a graceful figure was standing.

"They had better go and play in the Beach Grove," sighed Lady Gray. This ruling Archie did not veto or contest, for he had wearied of indoor amusements, and felt that the well-timbered groves would afford new avenues for play. So the boys departed like deer among the trunks of the trees. It was a cosy conversation which the ladies enjoyed after this.

Before nightfall Jackson's advanced guard reached Brandy Station, after a march of twenty miles, and Longstreet bivouacked near Kelly's Ford. The Rappahannock, a broad and rapid stream, with banks high and well-timbered, now rolled between the hostile armies.

It is foolish to take unnecessary risks, and we left the car pointing the right way, with its engine running, ready to start on the instant, while we went to have a look at the house. It was a large country-house standing in well-timbered grounds, evidently the home of a man of wealth and taste.

The water was yellow and turbulent, swung with an angry eddy among half-submerged willows, and made an angry clatter along stony shores. The course kept turning and turning in a narrow and well-timbered valley. Now the river would approach the side, and run griding along the chalky base of the hill, and show us a few open colza-fields among the trees.

"They shell here pretty consistently," added the major encouragingly, and we made for more open land that sloped up towards a well-timbered wood on the wide-stretched ridge, a thousand yards away. The sparse-covered slopes were dotted with living huts, all built since the Boche recovered the ground in his March push.

The bedroom looked out over the great front door, with its portico, its terrace and flight of steps beyond, and, further still, the broad sweep of the well-timbered park to close the view. The morning mist nestled lightly about the distant trees; and the cows were feeding sociably, close to the iron fence which railed off the park from the drive in front of the house.