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"Would you, ma'am, he pleased," said Mrs. Bertrand, "to take a glass of ice this warm evening? cream-ice, or water-ice, ma'am? pine-apple or strawberry ice?" As she spoke, Mrs.

There is no more delicious water-ice than this if fine-flavored apricots are used. The canned ones are excellent for the purpose. This ice ought to be the color of apricots; if too pale, add a very little saffron coloring. Currant Water-Ice. A pint of currant juice, a pint of syrup, and the whites of three eggs made into méringue paste. Freeze as usual.

Pineapple Water-Ice. This can be readily made of canned pineapple when the fresh fruit is out of season. Peel a pineapple; grate it into a mortar; then pound it well with six ounces of sugar; let it stand covered for an hour; add the juice of five oranges, and a pint and a half of syrup boiled to the little thread, or

These are exceedingly simple, and no more elegant form of refreshment can be offered than a plate of well-frozen or a tumbler of half-frozen water-ice. It is acceptable when ice-cream would be too heavy, and can be offered at the simplest country afternoon tea, or during a call, without the seeming ostentation of ice-cream.

It is even satisfying till some deeper experience has given us a hunger which what we so glibly call "the world" cannot sate, just as a water-ice is nourishment enough to a man who has had his dinner.

Pistachio Water-Ice. Blanch and pound a pound of pistachio-nuts, using the white of an egg to moisten; mix with a quart of syrup

"It's a pretty time o' life, Stephen," said one of the clever women he hadn't wanted to marry. "'Youth's sweet-scented manuscript, Ethel," said Honor's stepfather. "Jimsy, will you come here a minute?" Honor called from the dining-room door. "Yes, Skipper!" He was there at a bound. "Don't you think your father would like this water-ice? I think he could I believe he might enjoy it."

The inside of the church too strongly recommended by Baedeker to commend itself to me made me feel as if I had eaten a lemon water-ice before dinner, on a freezing cold day; and it was there that the Chauffeulier departed to get ready the motor-car. There it was, too, that the pattern disarranged itself.

Almond Water-Ice. Take one pound of almond paste, a pint and a half of water, and three quarters of a pound of sugar; grate the paste; then stir till quite dissolved. Flavor with vanilla or raspberry; stir in the whites of two eggs and some candied fruits cut up small. Freeze as usual. Cinnamon Water-Ice. This is a German ice, and very much liked by those who are fond of the flavor.

The garçon who says, "I speke Aingliss," brings us each a delicious orange granizada, a sort of half-frozen water-ice, familiar to Italy, but unknown in America. It is ice in the first enthusiasm of freezing, condensed, not hardened. Promoting its liquefaction with the spoon, you enjoy it through the mediation of a straw.