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I could hear him stirrin' 'round up there when I was for'ard just now, and he hollered to the wheel that up to the no'the'ard it looked like planty of fish. 'And I callate we ain't the only vessel got eyes for it, he said." "Yes," said his watch-mate, who had just dropped down, "it's nothing but side-lights all 'round and " Just then came the skipper's voice from aloft.

But, greatly to my astonishment, my watch-mate raised a rope's-end which he held in his outstretched hand and proceeded to lay it across my shoulders; the beggar giving me several sharp cuts with the "colt" ere I realised what he was up to. "That will teach you not to supplant me and go in my boat again, you young rascal!" he cried, pegging away merrily with the rope's-end on my bare back.

But twenty-four hours soon glide away; and "Starboleens ahoy; eight bells there below;" at last started me from a troubled doze. I sprang from my hammock, and would have lighted my pipe. But the forecastle lamp had gone out. An old sea-dog was talking about sharks in his sleep. Jarl and our solitary watch-mate were groping their way into their trowsers.

I shuddered with fear; a strange giddiness came over me; and I had hardly strength to cling to the shrouds as I descended to the deck. I pointed out the object of my terror to my watch-mate, the French carpenter, who gazed at it earnestly, and then, turning to me, nodded his head emphatically two or three times, like a Chinese mandarin, and grinned.

He found Morris still looking about in order to solve what was a mystery to him, as it must have been to the engineers and the cook; but they were paid employes, and it was not proper for them to ask any questions. "Anything broken down, Louis?" asked Morris, as his watch-mate took a seat at his side. "Nothing at all," replied the owner.

Somebody to work for somebody waiting for you a wife, Joe wife and children or you're in for some awful lonesome times." That was Clancy watch-mate, bunk-mate, dory-mate once, and now my skipper Clancy, who could be any man's friend, the man that everybody jumped to shake hands with, and yet never a bit of use to himself.