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Wayland saw that more words would be wasted, so he walked with them to the edge of the forest, where their ways would part.

It may even be worse than wasted; it may encourage shiftlessness, it may pauperize. There is no doubt that indiscriminate and thoughtless charity is dangerous; the crude largesse of a few rich Romans of the Empire bred vast corruption and pauperism.

"Well," said her great-nephew, thoughtfully, "I guess I better." "Why?" asked the old lady. "Why do you guess you'd 'better'?" "Well," said Penrod, with a full mouth, "it might get all dried up if nobody took it, and get thrown out and wasted." "You're beginning finely," Mrs. Crim remarked. "A year ago you'd have taken the cookie without the same sense of thrift." "Ma'am?" "Nothing.

"Then," said Waldemar, "any attempt to persuade you against appearing at Harrisonia to-night would be time wasted." "Absolutely, my dear Waldemar. But don't think that I'm not appreciative of your thoughtfulness and that of Mr. Jones." "What is the program of the day, Governor?" asked Average Jones. "Rather a theatrical one.

Submitting herself to circumstances with a ready resignation which Captain Wragge had not shown, on his side, in a similar situation, Mrs. Lecount wasted neither time nor temper in unprofitable guess-work. She left the mystery to thicken or to clear, as the future might decide, and looked exclusively at the uses to which she might put the morning's event in her own interests.

In no event would she go near Golfney Place that day! At about noon, however, it arrived from Donaldson's in a cardboard box, and really seemed too pretty to be wasted. There, too, were Bridget's initials, neatly engraved on its face, and, perhaps, after all, Colonel Faversham was reckoning without his guest.

"Nothing more," the letter ran, "will be done about the initial outrage or the subsequent vandalisms. We shall pass over our wasted outlay in the hope that a policy of friendship will prove our genuine desire to benefit that section. "'Initial outrage," quoted one of the agent' large playmates. "Ain't they furgivin'?"

What wild words spoken! What joys are tasted, what passion wasted! What hearts are broken! Not a glimpse of the moon shall shine, Not a star shall mark The passing of night, or shed its light On my Dream of the Dark!

Then a spoon touched his lips, and a taste of brandy and water went all through him; and when he fell into sweet slumber and awoke, and found the teaspoon ready at his lips again, he had to lift a little the two hands lying before him on the coverlet to know that they were his they were so wasted and yellow.

It needs but one more deed, and sickerly when I am hale once more it will not be long ere I seek it out. Till then, if my eyes may not rest upon you, my heart at least is ever at thy feet." So he wrote from his sick-room in the Castle of Ploermel late in the summer, but yet another summer had come before his crushed head had mended and his wasted limbs had gained their strength once more.