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If the clothes are often changed, then, and well washed, and the skin gets a daily washing with soap and is sponged with hot vinegar, there is little danger of infection during an epidemic of smallpox, or even when nursing the disease. Acetic acid, or white wine vinegar, is even a more powerful cleansing agent than carbolic acid, and has the advantage of being non-poisonous.

It is said that Peggy, on hearing this, stopped washing the plate she had in her hands, and, twisting the towel around her fingers, fixed her small pale blue eyes at the lawyer. "And ez that the kind o' chirpin these critters keep up?" "I regret to say, my dear young lady," responded the lawyer, "that the world is censorious.

The straw sandals worn out and replaced at each stage of a journey, the robe consisting of a few simple widths loosely stitched together for wearing, and unstitched again for washing, the fresh chopsticks served to each new guest at a hotel, the light shoji frames serving at once for windows and walls, and repapered twice a year; the mattings renewed every autumn, all these are but random examples of countless small things in daily life that illustrate the national contentment with impermanency.

Trina hesitated for a moment, then put her chin in the air indifferently. "Bah!" she said, "let them go till this afternoon. I don't care WHEN the room is put to rights, and I know Mac don't." She determined that instead of making the bed or washing the dishes she would go and call on Miss Baker on the floor below.

There was a whole collection of wonderful things tin steamboats, railway-trains, and horses that were hollow inside as much of the irresistible wonders of the town as he had been able to obtain for five white krone pieces. They went in among the washing, so that they should not get damaged, and then he threw the bag out of the gable-window into the little alley.

'By George, this is jolly! Dick said, as he bent his tall figure under the low door-way, and seated himself upon the inverted washtub which Billy had emptied. 'Have you all been washing? 'No, Jerrie answered, proudly. 'I am the washerwoman, and all those clothes you saw on the line are my handiwork. 'By George! Dick said again. 'You are a trump, Jerrie!

When ladies delighted in lace-working, and in starching and preparing their produce most carefully, they showed their good housewifery in washing and ironing it with their own hands. It was gallantry on the part of their spouses to make befitting presents of all things requisite for their labours, and worthy their use.

All the while the unfortunate tender plunges high and low, and is roared at. Then the Queenstown passengers are put on board of her, with infinite plunging and roaring, and the tender gets heaved up on the sea to that surprising extent that she looks within an ace of washing aboard of us, high and dry.

Also the chore of washing dishes after the last guests have gone is reduced to lowest terms, likewise an item not to be overlooked. This trend toward country living, now so far flung as to be a characteristic of American life, is not just a fad. It has been a slow steady growth and has behind it a tradition of a century and more.

This duty is to be performed five times in the twenty-four hours: 1. In the morning before sunrise. 2. When noon is past. 3. A little before sunset. 4. A little after sunset. 5. Before the first watch of the night. Previous to prayer they are to purify themselves by washing.