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The Reader went on to relate how this happened, with ludicrous accuracy, upon the abrupt opening of the door, around the steps of which they were gathered a flunkey nearly putting his foot in the tripe, with this indignant apostrophe, "Out of the vays, here, will you? You must always go and be a settin' on our steps, must you?

"Ve's only a little vays to go now. Maybe five minute." At this moment, as in a flash, all of her vague and carking fears returned to the girl, and her hand went to her breast. It was only a little way now! And it was no dream no figment of her imagination! The beginning of the real adventure was at hand! Truth flashed upon her.

Well, my dear Baron!” he cried, “what luck in the Park?” The Baron was pulling his moustache over an English novel. He laid down his book and frowned at Mr Bunker. “I do not onderstand your English vays,” he replied. Mr Bunker perceived that something was very much amiss, nor was he without a suspicion of the cause. He laughed, however, and asked, “What’s the matter, old man?”

Trotty, all action and enthusiasm, immediately reached up his hand to Richard, and was going to address him in great hurry, when the house-door opened without any warning, and a footman very nearly put his foot into the tripe. 'Out of the vays here, will you! You must always go and be a- settin on our steps, must you! You can't go and give a turn to none of the neighbours never, can't you!

"That's the vay that ve is doubted," whined the treacherous scamp, wiping his eyes, and pretending to feel as though his heart was broken; "ven ve leaves off our bad vays, and becomes associates for the police, then ve is suspected of being bad. There's precious little 'couragement for us."

"VAT!" roared Jacob, half rising to his chair and grasping his knobby cane with both hands, while he trembled with rage. "You don't speak dot vays to me and I breaks your head." He suddenly straightened up, and all aglow with fury advanced upon Deerfoot, who placed his left hand on his knife, quietly arose and faced him, without speaking.

"Veil, I vill soon finish," he remarked, "as I was saying, I goes up de shtreet von little more vays and I ask anoder man vere dis voman vas, and he shust look on me and shay he vould not tell noting to von tam Tutchman, and I go to von oder man and he show me von little log cabin, and I goes up dere softly and I sees dis voman in dere."