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You must name him after me in some way. You can not call a boy Yasmini. Would Utirupa sound too strange in America?" "Rupert would sound better." "Good! He shall be Rupert, and I will send a gift to him!"

He preferred vengeance on the American even to a settled account with Yasmini. He must have found the treasure by accident after crawling into the unsealed crack in the wall to wait there against Dick's coming. "The money must stay here, and be removed little by little," said Utirupa. "First of all Blaine sahib's share of it!" Yasmini added. "Who shall count it? Who!"

And that is the whole story, as Yasmini told it to me in the wonderful old palace at Buhl, years afterward, when Utirupa was dead, and the English Government had sent her into forced seclusion for a while to repent of her manifold political sins, as they thought and to start new enterprises as it happened.

"That'll be your month's pay!" laughed Dick. "I hope you won't starve for thirty days!" The crowd went mad with delight, and swarmed on to the ground, shouting and singing. Samson got up, looking as if he rather enjoyed to lose three thousand rupees in an afternoon. "If you'll excuse me," he said, I'll go and shake hands with Utirupa. He deserves congratulation. It was head-work won that game."

Little by little he will grow into knowledge of the things I know and he will be a very great man!" There were no visits whatever from Utirupa, for the country-side would have been scandalized. Only, flowers came every day in enormous quantities; and there was a wealth of horses, carriages, jewels and armed men at his bride's disposal that proved he had not forgotten her existence or her needs.

But the Blaines did not go, although Dick put in no appearance at the club. Then Patali, who was sedulously cultivating Yasmini's patronage, with ulterior designs on Utirupa that were not misunderstood, told Norwood's wife's ayah's sister's husband that the American had secured another contract; and the news, of course, reached Samson's ears at once.

"'Tisn't over yet," said Dick. The Rajputs were coming out for the last chukker with their first and fastest ponies that had rested through the game; and they were smiling. Utirupa had said something that was either a good joke or else vastly reassuring.

What a pity that the dog should kill him, when all he wanted was a battle to the death with me! I would have given him his fight!" Dick was in no bad way. He had three flesh wounds on his right side, and none of them serious. Tess staunched them with torn linen, and she and Tom Tripe propped him against some bags of bullion, while Utirupa threw his cloak over Gungadhura's dead body.

"Utirupa is one of those men who make me think the Rajput race is not moribund." "A good clean sportsman!" said Topham. "Plays a red-hot game of polo, too!" "Pays up his bets, moreover, like a gentleman!" said Colonel Willoughby de Wing.

Once, at about half-time, by a dash all together the English did succeed in carrying t he ball down-field, but that was their last chance, and they missed it. In the last two minutes the Rajputs scored two goals, the last one driven home by Utirupa himself, racing ahead of the field with whirling stick and the thunder of a neck-and-neck stampede behind him.