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And if any might escape them, and win through the gates and up into the mountains, I wot not if suchlike devils and things unkent be there in the mountain-land, but of a sooth there be fierce and wild men, like enough to devils, who know no peace, and slay whatsoever cometh unto them, but if they themselves be slain of them.

Shall I say the word now, lest hereafter it be of no avail? Therewith she stretched out her right hand and laid it on the stone, and spake aloud: O Earth, thou and thy first children, I crave of you that he may come back now at once and loving me. And her voice sounded strange and unkent to her in that solitude, and she rued it that she had spoken.

A man must serve a very strict and long probation to be adopted into a Fife fishing community, and it was considered "very upsetting" for an unkent man to be looking up to the like of Christina Binnie, a lass whose forbears had been in Pittendurie beyond the memory or the tradition of its inhabitants. Janet also was not quite satisfied; and Christina knew this.

Shairp, relapsing into the tears she had been shedding for the last two hours or more. "Is it possible that ye've heard naething ava? The laird Netherglen himsel' oor maister and have you heard naething aboot him as you cam doun by the muir? I'd hae thocht shame to let you gang hame unkent, if I had been Jenny Burns at the lodge." "I did not come that way," said Hugo, impatiently.

He had come to make a show o' himsel' afore his mither, and I dare say to give her some gold, for he was aye ready to give when he had, I'll say that for him; but she had flitted to some unkent place, and so he bade on some weeks at the Cullew public.

"Go, little book: Thy self present, As child whose parent is unkent, To him that is the president Of Noblesse and of Chivalrie; And if that Envy bark at thee, As sure it will, for succour flee Under the shadow of his wing; And, asked who thee forth did bring; A shepherd's swain, say, did thee sing, All as his straying flock he fed; And when his honour hath thee read Crave pardon for my hardyhood.