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Undt uff he iss onnust he iss a berfect tressure, undt uff he aint a berfect tressure," he smiled anew and tendered his capacious hat to his listener, "you yoost kin take tiss, Toctor, undt kip udt undt vare udt! Toctor, I vish you a merrah Chris'mus!" The merry day went by. The new year, 1858, set in. Everything gathered momentum. There was a panic and a crash.

Reisen," said the Doctor, outside the street door, "I hope you'll remember my request." "I'll tdo udt, Dtoctor," was the reply, so humbly spoken that he repented half his harshness. "I suppose you've often heard that 'you can't make a silk purse of a sow's ear, haven't you?" he asked. "Yes; I pin right often heeard udt."

Reisen, sayss he to me, 'fot iss udt fot you kot? Undt sayss I to him, 'Mr. Richlun, udt iss you! Udt is you fot I kot!" Dr. Sevier stood sphinx-like, and once more Reisen went on. "'Yes, Mr.

"In other words, you can't tell us." Steve said, "He's executive officer of the UDT group here. And he's group intelligence officer. I might also add that he's brighter than he looks." "Then what do you make of this business?" Scotty inquired. "I'm not that bright," Kelly replied. "Seriously, this one has me stumped. First of all, it's easy to understand why a shadow picked you up.

"All right. If you really need to reach me, call the duty officer at the UDT base and leave a message. I'll get it." Rick turned slightly. In a plate-glass window across the street he could see a reflection of the tailor shop Steve had mentioned, and he could make out the form of a man in the shadowed doorway. He estimated that the shop was about fifty feet away.