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Tuesday's Officiel positively announced the ceremony for that day at 2, and the concourse was greater than ever.

... We go to the Herschels' to-morrow, and there I shall finish this letter, as it is impossible to get it in time for Tuesday's post, but I have so much to do now that you must not expect a letter every post, and I had no time to begin this before, and I am too tired to sit up later to-night.... COLLINGWOOD, Monday.

Nor had Sumter himself much time for domestic duties before the order came for him and his troop to turn out to aid in the search. He found the family fairly tranquil under the circumstances. He had sent a messenger galloping out from town, to assure his wife of his safety, when Tuesday's dawn showed the storm sufficiently abated.

"A clean Post for Tuesday's Times!" bellowed one. "I want the Hurl! "Bell's Life for the Bull! The Spectator for the Sunday Times!" The approach of our sportsmen was the signal for a change of the chorus, and immediately Jorrocks was assailed with "A hunter! a hunter! crikey, a hunter! My eyes! there's a gamecock for you! Vot a beauty! Vere do you turn out to-day? Vere's the stag?

"With your excursions into the past and the future you are making me feel dreadfully like an instalment of a serial novel," protested Ronnie; "we have now got to 'synopsis of earlier chapters." "It shan't be teased," said Cicely; "we will live in the present and go no further into the future than to make arrangements for Tuesday's dinner- party.

His manner was in the strangest contrast with the two different moods in which she had already seen him as if the fires were out, as if all emotion and interest had been dissolved in listlessness. And she divined at once that her chance of success was small. "That will hold, I think," he said gravely; and started toward his horse. "It wasn't Tuesday's fault," she said eagerly.

I tell you, boy, Tuesday's election is going to be a regular old-fashioned, heave-'em-up and keep-'em-a-going land-slide! Good-night, and good dreams if that cracked head doesn't go and roil 'em all up for you."

The Sabbath worship extended into Monday's conversation, and Tuesday's bargain, and Wednesday's mirthfulness, and Thursday's controversy, and Friday's sociality, and Saturday's calculation. "Through how many thrilling scenes had he passed!