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Steell, his face white, and fists clenched, turned to his companion: "Good Heavens, Dick, did you hear that? They've kidnapped Mrs. Traynor's little girl no doubt, with the idea of demanding ransom. Thank God, we're in time to frustrate that crime " "Hush!" exclaimed his companion. "Listen!" Keralio proceeded: "Now you understand what you are to do. You bring the child here to-morrow morning.

Traynor's being greatly worried sir, lately. Miss Dorothy was at her aunt's in Philadelphia " "Yes, yes " "Someone's run away with Miss Dorothy. She's been kidnapped." "My God!" "But Mrs. Traynor has a clue. She got a letter yesterday, saying where the child was. She wouldn't confide in any of us and she left here only half an hour ago to go to the place." Again Kenneth was seized by panic.

Who could it be but the man who left him for dead on the Abyssinia after murderously assaulting him? Suddenly a horrible thought came to him. Grasping the butler's arm he exclaimed: "My wife? Is she well?" "Yes, sir. Mrs. Traynor's quite well." "And Dorothy?" "Quite well, sir." "Thank God!" The servant hesitated. "That is sir Miss Dorothy " "Out with it, man. Out with it." "Mrs.

I'll jist mix a sup of this last stuff we got from the mountains, till you taste it: I think it's not worse nor the last for Hugh Traynor's * an ould hand at making it." * Hugh, who, by the way, is still living, and, I am glad to hear, in improved circumstances, was formerly in the habit of making a drop of the right sort.

"Arrah, what are you talkin' about? Sure 'tisn't of that same spalpeen of a gauger that we'd be afraid!" During this observation, young Dolan pressed Traynor's foot under the table, and they both went out for about five minutes. "Father," said the son, when he and Traynor re-entered the room, "you're a wanting home." "Who wants me, Larry, avick?" says the father.

Sunday evenings at Mrs. Traynor's were always enjoyable. No formal invitations were issued. Friends just dropped in as they felt inclined. There was good music, excellent tea

It was just after that that Bertram was taken ill and died so suddenly. We've left Dominick, Kinsale, Gage, and the rest on the trawler there, while I came here with Traynor's body. God! but it was awful to have to send the news back to New York. I don't know what to think or what to do." "How did he die?" asked Kennedy, endeavoring to gain the confidence of young Everson.