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'Pray and work! This golden proverb is our motto through the day, and the love and industry which you will see everywhere will soon teach you to feel at home among us." "I live, as you know, in the neighborhood," said Frau von Trautenau, as Adele looked up tearfully.

But he did not think of it in time; took second-best in place of best. He here proposes to move northward, by degrees, through Trautenau, Schatzlar, and home; well eating this bit of Country too, the last uneaten bit, as he goes. This well eaten, there will be no harbor anywhere for Invasion, through the Winter coming.

Wollmershain was a large, beautiful estate, which, upon the death of its owner, had become the joint property of Adele and her brothers; and Frau von Trautenau had resided there since her widowhood, and proposed to continue doing so until one of her sons should buy his sister's and brother's portion and assume the management of it.

They soon reached the Sisters' house. "Ah, yes, this is the very place!" cried the lady, joyfully. "Thank you most sincerely for your courtesy, dear child. Will you kindly tell us which door to enter? We gave notice by letter of our coming, and are expected. I am Frau von Trautenau; these are my two sons, and this is my little daughter, whom I am bringing to stay here."

"Our estate, Wollmershain Grove, is only a few hours' ride from here, and sometimes, if I drive in, you will, I suppose, allow Adele to visit us for a little recreation?" "Oh, certainly, Frau Von Trautenau," returned Sister Agatha "in vacation. May I now show you our apartments and arrangements, so that you may know exactly how your dear little girl will be situated?"

"Ah!" he exclaimed under his breath, "beauty and wealth; they will indeed compensate for the past." When Frau von Trautenau, with her family, entered the spacious prayer-room, to be present at the love-feast, the mass of the congregation had already assembled, and were singing to the accompaniment of the organ.

Prince Karl, from Konigshof, soon fell back to Konigsgratz; and lay motionless there, nothing but his Tolpatcheries astir, Sohr Country all eaten, Friedrich, in the due Divisions, marched northward. Through Trautenau, Schatzlar, his own Division, which was the main one; and, fencing off the Tolpatches successfully with trouble, brings all his men into Silesia again.

"Dear Sister Carmen!" repeated the Superior, as if she thought Carmen had not heard the first call. "Oh, please " now interposed Frau von Trautenau, endeavoring to assist the girl when she saw her painful confusion. She stroked back from Carmen's brow the curly locks which had escaped from under the edge of the little white cap, saying: "Never mind!