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Because of his Pagan belief in the divine rights of the gens families and a like strong belief that he who toileth hath no right to freedom, did he make war.

But earth solid earth is the home of the mortal That toileth to live, and that liveth to toil; And the green olive-tree twines the wreath of his portal Who peacefully wins his sure bread from the soil," Thus Jove: and to heaven the council celestial Rose, and the sea-god rolled back to the sea; But Athena gave Athens her name, and terrestrial Joy from the oil of the green olive-tree.

Oft was a heavy yoke put on the burden of his childish shoulders. For this pitieth he the poor." "Locusts for the belly; patches for the back; a yoke for the shoulders! Shame on Israel that of this sort it would call a king even from Galilee where women labor in the field and men like cattle toil!" and Huldah's lip curled with scorn. "The toiler toileth that Herod may make great banquets.

"Oppression hath grown mighty until all the world is divided into two classes, the slave who toileth and the master who remaineth idle. Millions are there of the one few of the other. Yea, for their very number are toilers counted as beasts. Since Caesar brought his fifty and three thousand slaves from far Gaul hath slaves come to be in numbers like the sands of the sea.

The admirable advice of Thomas a Kempis to keep away from people whom we desire to please, and the quiet perfection of his warning to the censorious, "In judging others, a man toileth in vain; for the most part he is mistaken, and he easily sinneth; but in judging and scrutinizing himself, he always laboureth with profit," can make their just appeal only to the humorous sense.

She singeth. Ah, for the maidens that ye leave! Who now shall save the hay? What grooms shall kiss our lips at eve, When June hath mastered May? He singeth. The wheat is won, the seed is sown, Here toileth many a maid, And ere the hay knee-deep hath grown Your grooms the grass shall wade. They sing all together. Then fair befall the mountain-side Whereon the play shall be!

"Then that is reason why so many sins are roaming abroad 'naked but not ashamed. Ah, sir! it is a marvellously scarce commodity that same charity; when Christians spit upon and rail at the poor Jew, they lack charity; when they taunt me with my deformity, they lack charity; when they destroy the web of the spider, that toileth for its bread, and useth what the God of Moses gave it to catch food, they lack charity.