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Later in the day, happening in at Mis' Mortimer Bates's, Mis' Winslow found Mis' Moran there before her, and asked what they had heard "about Mary Chavah." Something in that word "about" pricks curiosity its sharpest. "Have you heard about Mary Chavah?" "It's too bad about Mary Chavah." "Isn't it queer about Mary Chavah?" each of these is like setting flame to an edge of tissue.

The nurses were engaged in giving the little ones their supper, and putting them to bed. Salome took up her own little Marie Perdue, to undress her. As she divested the child of her little slip, something rolled out of its bosom and dropped upon the floor. One of the nurses picked it up and handed it to Salome. It was a small, hard substance, wrapped in tissue paper.

Mugg, who put him in tissue paper and then in the same box in which the Bear had traveled to Earth from the shop of Santa Claus. "Good-by, Wax Doll! Good-by, Jumping Jack, Elephant and all my friends," said the Plush Bear to himself as the tissue paper covered his eyes and shut out the sight of the other toys in the store. "Good-by! I don't know when I shall see you again!"

When the spot cannot be seen, it is because the image falls on the blind spot. *Dissection of the Eyeball.*—Procure from the butcher two or three eyeballs obtained from cattle. After separating the fat, connective tissue, and muscle, place them in a shallow vessel and cover with water.

When wood, for example, is undergoing petrifaction, the woody tissue may be replaced, particle by particle, by silica in solution through the action of underground waters, even the microscopic structures of the wood being perfectly reproduced.

The points to be gained are, to reduce the action of the amatorial organs of the brain and the secretion of the testes, and to contract and strengthen the tissue of the seminal vesicles and the prostrate gland. Take the B D current.

He is rather fond of being an exquisite in his dress, which is slashed and laced, and rich with jewelry and precious stones; even his doublets are daintily worked and of golden tissue; his shirt is very fine, and it shows through an opening in the doublet, according to the fashion of France. This delicate and dainty way of living contributes to his health.

The whole of the body, at first, can be broken up into "cells," which become in one place metamorphosed into muscle, in another place into gristle and bone, in another place into fibrous tissue, and in another into hair; every part becoming gradually and slowly fashioned, as if there were an artificer at work in each of these complex structures that we have mentioned.

We children were forbidden to touch anything, but fortunately we were not forbidden the use of our eyes and tongues. "There are the pink and gold vases Grandmother King gave her," said Felicity, as Aunt Olivia unwrapped from their tissue paper swathings a pair of slender, old-fashioned, twisted vases of pink glass, over which little gold leaves were scattered. "Aren't they handsome?"

He tried too much; the multiplicity of his intellectual interests was too much for him, and he often thought that he was explaining when he was but weaving a wordy tissue, and "darkening counsel" as much as any of the theological sciolists whom he denounced.