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And a wolf coming by swallowed the paunch and Thumbkin with it. When he found himself again in the wolf's stomach he called out as before: "Let me out! Let me out! Let me out!" But the wolf said to him: "What'll you do for me if I let you out?" "I know a place where you can get as many chickens as you like, and if you let me out I'll show you the way."

But at last the paunch of the wolf was slit open, and Thumbkin jumped out and went to his mother. And she cleansed him and dressed him in new clothes, and they sat down to supper as happy as could be. There was once a queen who had no children, and it grieved her sorely.

"Then one of us," said the first robber, "will have to creep in through the window and unlock the door." "But the window is too small," said the third robber; "none of us could get through it." "But I can," called out Thumbkin. "What is that? Who was that?" called out the robbers, who commenced thinking of running away.

Wolf set to work and ate the ducks and the goose while Thumbkin kept calling out: "Don't want any duck or geese. Let me out! Let me out!" And when the wolf would not he called out: "Father! Father! Mother! Mother!" And his father and mother heard him, and they came rushing towards the larder.

"Operation?" she managed to choke out at last. Operation was a fairly common word in Ward C, and not an over-hopeful one. "It's this way, Thumbkin; and let's make a bargain of it. I think there's a cure for that back of yours. It hasn't been tried very much; about often enough to make it worth while for us to take a chance.

Then, too, her vis-a-vis was a small sharp child of five or six, called Thumbby, or Thumbkin, who only removed her bead-like eyes from Laura's face to be saucy to her father. And, what was worse, the Uncle turned out to be a type that struck instant terror into Laura: a full-fledged male tease. He was, besides, very hairy of face, and preternaturally solemn.

Altogether we must reject Benfey's contention, at any rate for this particular story. I have followed, for the most part, Bolte's reconstruction, which practically consists of a combination of Grimm, 37 and 45. But in combining the two I have found it necessary to omit sections D and E of Bolte's formula which form the beginning of Grimm, 45, "Thumbkin as Journeyman."

So the man went off to the field, and at eleven o'clock the woman put Thumbkin into the horse's right ear; and he immediately called out, "Gee!" And the horse began to move. And as it went on towards the field Thumbkin kept calling out: "Right! Left! Left! Right!" and so on till they got near the field.

Shortly afterwards the cows were driven out to the milking place, and the milkmaid commenced to milk the cow which had swallowed Thumbkin. And when he heard the milk rattling into the pail he called out: "Let me out! Let me out! Let me out!" The milkmaid was so startled to hear a voice coming from the cow that she upset the milking pail and rushed to her master, and said: "The cow's bewitched!

Now it happened that two men were coming that way, and they saw a horse and cart coming towards them, with nobody on it, and yet the horse was picking his way and turning the corners just as if somebody was guiding him. So they followed the horse and cart till they got to the field, when they saw the man take Thumbkin out of the horse's ear and stroke him and thank him.